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daily rewards

speedettes Posts: 1 Newbie
Why am I not collecting my daily rewards. one day I had 1 on each then. I had not used any for a few weeks. Then the was 13 or 14 on each, the next day 1 again without using any.Β  Β my ID1018376666


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,404 Candy Moderator
    edited January 2020
    Hello @speedettes, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :)Β 

    I am very sorry to hear about the issue in your game!Β 

    Can you please take a look at the comments in this thread and see if the issue seems similar "Glitch with Boosters"

    If your issue seems similar to the comments in that thread (click on the Green fonts), then, I request you to be patient as the issue was already escalated to the Studio and they are looking into the issue.Β 

    If you have any further questions or comments to post, please tap on "Type your Comment" box located below.

    Talk to you soon!Β  Have a great rest of the day/evening!Β 

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