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(Unsupported Language)

شعيب Posts: 1

Level 1

edited January 2020 in Discussions
**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**  1928


  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032


    Sorry I can´t spell your name on my computer, just copy it from you. They only allow enligsh here.

    I translated on google but not sure what it suppose to mean. Do you have problem with level 1928 or would you just to like to say hi and tell that you are new here and on that level.

    If you have problem can you please write in english so maybe someone can help you. You can use google to translate.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi @شعيب and welcome to our friendly forums.

    I am very sorry to say that the Community supports English language ONLY for everybody to communicate and understand better.  Hence, please come back and post your question again through this link

    ** As per Community Guidelines, this thread will be closed now as it is in "Unsupported Language"!

    Looking forward to seeing you soon again!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!

This discussion has been closed.

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