Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
This level has 6 seeds that need to grow into flowers, 4 are trapped in ice that needs to be broken. The problem is you also need rockets firing off, here's the problem, the rockets knock the seeds out, and no more come onto the playing board, so game-over!
I don't mind a challenge, but I do feel aggrieved that I've just used 90 beans or whatever to buy a booster, and the game could be over in the first couple of moves.
Surely the chance of another seed or two dropping in would make it more of a level playing field, please KING 😏
Do u have the new tractor booster? It can break ice ...
Hi @stan1981 All the games being played across the community seem to be different, my game on King is the old (wonderful) game, no quests or trails, just plain old boosters.
I did finally get through, I had 6 shovels (you can still be quick on the draw and get those on the old game), broke the ice on 3, and grew the seeds, before the rockets could get at them, praying that the last seed wouldn't be blasted 😊
That good ...
btw the new tractor booster is powerful, hope u get it soon
Hello dear @Eggcracker Welcome Back 🤗
I have recently played this level, and I do not remember facing this issue at all!! Unless playing on King.Com is making a difference!!
I have played on Mobile device though! Let me check and get back to you! Although you are done with the level, it could be useful for future players 😊
Great job on getting done with the level 👍️