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Match Five Water with Seed Fails Collect

dwb Posts: 115

If I swap a hay seed (perhaps a grass seed too) with a water drop in the middle to get five water in a row, why doesn't it collect all water on the screen?


  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    Because it is used to make to make a hay patch ... it doesn’t count in the making of 5 water in a row

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115

    Where is the rule written that water/seed swap should disable the five-collect? It does not seem logical to me. I think it should. Perhaps it is a bug.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    It is because you are not making five in a row, you are consuming the water.

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115
    edited March 2020

    It must be matching because the two pairs on each side are collected. Why penalize multiple actions at once here when that is a fundamental strategy in playing? What does a player expect when making that move? (five in a row fun) When it doesn't happen, what is the player's emotion? (disappointment) What would hurt in making the game fun? What is the benefit of the disappointing way the game handles it now? If the common behavior is not kept, that type of thing should be published in game rules.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Whenever you swap any seed with a water drop, the water is consumed. Simple. Go try it in any level and see what happens. If it is consumed, then it can NOT be used to match anything, because it is no longer there.

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115
    edited April 2020

    @Rancid Think about five cropies ooooo; if the outer four disappear xxoxx then the middle must have been a match xxxxx.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Whenever you swap any seed with a water drop, the water is consumed. Simple. Go try it in any level and see what happens. If it is consumed, then it can NOT be used to match anything, because it is no longer there.

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115

    @Rancid, go try it and see that even though the drop disappears the two pairs of cropies beside it are collected. That means it was a match.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    No value has been added to this conversation for quite some time, so I am closing this topic due to spamming.

This discussion has been closed.

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