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Request to the studio

Don´t know how it is on facebook or for thoose who use the win 10 app. But we that use mobile has been getting some extra things now during this crazy time.

But on they haven´t got anything. My request for the studio that they give something to the players on First I thought that given goldbars would be nice. But then I would have that on my phone and that´s not feel right for me because I have already got things on my phone.

So then I thought of boosters. They are locally so that would be only on So I think it would be nice if the studio gave a bundle of boosters to the one that play on So even those players get something extra. And to other devices that haven´t got the extra that we that use phone have got.

So @QueenB or @QueenMia could you please ask the studio if they can give something extra to thoose on Hope you understood what I meant.

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