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Tractor booster

Bonnythepony Posts: 5

Level 2


Recently my new tractor booster changed into the old tractor booster again. Unfortunately. Because I really like the new version.

When I read comments in this community, the majority liked the new version.

I please want to suggest to update with the new tractor.





  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    Show a screenshot of before n after ... btw there is no more new word on the tractor booster. All is the new ability...

    restart ur device n update to latest version n see

  • Bonnythepony
    Bonnythepony Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Thanks for your answer. But I used to have the new ability and after I updated the newest version the booster changed into the old one again. I even restart my phone on your advice but nothing changed. I dont have a screenshot of the old version, impossible suggestion :(

  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    So ur tractor booster cannot crack egg anymore? Or what ability it cannot do anymore? Screenshot the egg before n after the tractor booster or other ability ...

  • Bonnythepony
    Bonnythepony Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Yes, it cannot crack egg anymore or let flowers grow... thanks for your help. Hopefully the support desk want to help me. But the only thing they replied was: go to the community.... :(

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Bonnythepony Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community 🤗

    It is true that the Tractor is not working anymore with the "extra abilities"! And I have noticed this in my game too!

    I thought, it is just my game/device, since I have not seen any posts here! So, now I know that there are other players who are affected with the same.

    I cannot say that if it is a temporary glitch or the Farm Studio have made changes to the Tractor!!

    ** If the Studio has made the changes, then unfortunately, Support team cannot help with this particular issue.

    Can you please tell me which device you are using (please list all the devices if you are using multiple devices). I will take a note of it, and will send a report to our Farm Community team In-charge on Monday.

    I will keep an eye here to see if we receive more complaints / comments about the same!

    Talk to you soon! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend 🐤 🐇

  • wafercookieflippers
    wafercookieflippers Posts: 4,637
    edited May 2020

    Hi @PummyRaj ! Hi @Bonnythepony !

    I was playing my game this morning with the Bonnie The Pony booster.

    For me, it did grow seeds and flowers, as well as cracked the alligator eggs in the level I was playing.

    however...these were the Bonnie Booster Tractors. not my tractors.

    I am writing to confirm that you are experiencing this with your own tractors. I don’t mind trying it with mine too. Plus my Bonnie runs out here shortly...


  • wafercookieflippers
    wafercookieflippers Posts: 4,637
    edited May 2020

    Actually, as it turns out, my very next level ended up being a good one to try it out. 😅

    Take a look at the top 2 rows 👇

    Here it is with the Bonnie booster tractor. You can see it cleared the spider webs and grew the flowers one stage. 👇

    And here it is with the regular, non-Bonnie tractor. Note: it no longer says “new” with the yellow banner, but it still performs like the “new” tractor. Take a look at the second row. The regular tractor cleared the spider webs and grew the flowers one stage.

    I am playing on iOS, old iPhone 6s. I haven’t had an update for awhile even though I just checked.

    I agree the new tractor is much better @Bonnythepony so I am hopeful this is not a new change.


    edit: iOS version 5.37.5

    last updated ~2 weeks ago

  • Bonnythepony
    Bonnythepony Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi @PummyRaj and @wafercookieflippers thanks so much for this detailed information. And warm welcome to this community. I'm from Holland so there will be some grammatic faillures in my writing. But I do hope you understand :-)

    I play the game on my Samsung S7. I had the same thought, why is there no subject on this tractor changement? But maybe we don't share the same problem, and as pummyraj mentioned it is a temporaraly glitch. So yes please send them a report. That would be nice.

    I actually never update my app as well, but for this time I did and I end up with the old tractor version.

    I noticed it when I used the tractor on the waterwells and nothing happened, then I saw that the word "new" was missing.

    Thanks a lot again

    Have a good Weekend as well ♡

  • @Bonnythepony

    I did not realize you were new to the Community or I would have also extended my kindest welcome to you too. I am sorry. I am glad you are here! 🤗

    Thank you for responding with your information. Your grammar is perfect. 🙂

    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!


  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    I still have the new things in the tractor. Just checked. Only things that has changed and that a while ago that is that the ribbon ar gone.

    I have an android motorola, gameversion 5.37.5 it´s from may 4.

    If I check the playstore from my phone there is now new updates. But if I go to playstore on my computer there should be a new update that was released may 20. So if the tractor just changed I guess it came whit the latest update. I guess they have fixed some problems but at the same time created another one. So for me, if I get the new update I not going to install it. Because I like the new tractor.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?