Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Level 1
Not first time , pls check the problem n thanks
What level is this?
As I can see it is level 865. I have played it a couple of time and for me it works.
@PummyRaj You had the latest gameversion on your phone. Can you play level 865 and see if you get the same as Ngo9017. If you look closely down in the left corner in that picture the oyster/shell are hidden behind the sun. I don´t get that. So I don´t know if that has come whit the latest update. So can you check if you get it. I put in a picture how the level looks to begin.
And the question is if it´s only that level or if it is in more oyster/shell levels.
Hello @Ngo9017 Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community 🤗
Thank you for the tag dear @piaandersson
I could not come here till now. I will check the level and get back 👍️
And, I am sorry Pia! I am not clear on what you said in the last line! What would you like me to check in other Oyster levels? Can you please explain a bit more.
In the mean time, I will check this level and get back.
I have just checked this on my mobile Android device and it works perfectly.
@PummyRaj Sorry for the confusen. Don´t know how to put this. It was more of a generell thougt so the studio know that it most likely are on more levels if you can get that in that level. And that it came whit the latest update.
@Rancid In the thread about the tractor booster you wrote that you have gameversion 5.37.5 have you updated your game so you have the latest wich is 5.38.3.
If you have 5.38.3 I don´t know what problem ngo9017 have.
I do not have the update available to me.