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I can't unlock my 3 last companions.

itserikt Posts: 3

Level 1

edited June 2020 in Discussions

I am on level 1332 and I can't unlock my 3 last companions. Do you have some advice for me?


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @itserikt Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community 🤗

    Actually, it is not just your game but it is the same for all the players 🙂

    Those last 3 Companions were not released yet and that's the reason we are seeing ? in their places. The Farm Studio does have this added to their "to do tasks" lists. But, when they will be able to get to it, we do not know!

    It is because, they have been constantly working on something or the other, and they do not have time to create some super cool companions and send them for us! May be they will send just those 3 or may be even more, only they would know what their plans about the Companions are!

    So, until then, we just have to wait patiently to see those Companions as well as to receive those 3 last gifts!

    Hope this clarifies and answers your question. If you have more questions, please post back by typing your reply in the comment box given below.

    Thank you for posting in the Community! Have a Farmtastic week ahead.

    By the way, would you like to participate in some of our Farm Community Contests and win gifts? If so, here is the link ---> Contests in Farm Heroes to WIN Gold Bars (Once you go to this link 👈️ Click on the threads that are highlighted in Blue).

    Hope you will have fun in our contests. Keep an eye on that link, because there is always one or another contest for us to win some goodies 🍓 🥕

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