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King or Facebook log ins

sueolliesand Posts: 17

Level 2

If I am logged in through my king account I never get any lives or beans from past friends!

I have 33 gold bars through my king account.

If I try to log in with Facebook my gold bars don’t show.

Its as if my king account isn’t talking to Facebook!

Do you have to play through one or the other (king account or Facebook)? ??

as stated previously I have been playing for about 7 years with no problems until this last few months

Help needed. All very confusing.


  • Loveth_NP
    Loveth_NP Posts: 1,741

    Hi @sueolliesand  a very warm welcome to you. I will help you tag some of the experts to get their kind support . 

    @QueenB @MountainMom @PummyRaj

    Best of luck and enjoy your game 🍭🥂

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,504
    edited July 2020

    Hello @sueolliesand,

    I do not have a Facebook account so I can't offer any advice about playing on that platform. However, it may be helpful for you to know that updates and special events / features to the Farm Heroes Saga game are rolled out on varying schedules, so you may see differences depending on where you play the game. However, your gold bars are stored in your King account and should be available regardless of where you play. In contrast, your boosters are stored locally on your device so you may see differences in the number of boosters depending on the device or platform on which you play.

    Regarding gifts from friends: You should be able to ask friends for lives at any time. If you have full lives (e,g, 5 lives) when a friend tries to send you a life, the free life is converted to 100 magic beans. That is how you receive magic beans from friends.

    Sometimes it is helpful to clear the cache on your device, ensure you have the most up-to-date version of the game, and restart your device. If these ideas don't work, I'll try to find you a game expert with Facebook experience. Any advice @encantes?

    Keep crushing!

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,453

    Hi, @sueolliesand Welcome in this sweetest Community! I play F.H.S only by mobile like @MountainMom and she give to you a lot of tips.

    If you play with different devices, mobile or pc, remember that magic beans are always the same, but gold bars and boosters are earned by devices.

    Have a Farmtastic day😎😎🤗🤗🤗😉😉😉🌞

  • Lotus_Flower
    Lotus_Flower Posts: 7,126

    Hello @sueolliesand

    @MountainMom and @encantes have given you good advice, but it sounds like your King account and Facebook are no long in sync. Your progress and gold bars should follow you regardless of the device you use or the way you login. Here's how to sync your logins:

    How can I sync my Facebook and King accounts?

    By King Games Last Updated: Jul 11, 2020

    Are you connected to your game both in Facebook and with a King account? Want to sync the two? No problem! Here's how:

    • Go to this page: 
    • In the top-right corner, click "Log in" (If you are already logged in, it will say "Settings", in which case skip the next two steps)
    • Log in using your King account username and password
    • In the top-right corner, click "Settings"
    • Choose the option "Account", then down at the bottom select "Score and progression sync"
    • Select "Sync progress" and you will be asked to log in to your Facebook account.

    And that's it! Your progress will be synced across both your King and Facebook accounts.

    Please note: your progress and Gold Bars will be synced across all accounts and all signed-in devices, but other items like Boosters are stored on your device and are not synced.

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,453

    @debrichmond many tks for your tips, very helpful for the players, I didn't know about it. I use to play only with my mobile no with FB.

    Enjoy your evening😉

  • Lotus_Flower
    Lotus_Flower Posts: 7,126

    Thank you @encantes, you too! You and @MountainMom keep up the great work you're doing here!

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,504

    Thanks @debrichmond, I'll bookmark your advice for syncing accounts. Thanks again for helping all of us.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,842

    Thanks guys for helping out @sueolliesand 🤗

    Have you been able to get your accounts synced with the steps that @debrichmond suggested?

  • sueolliesand
    sueolliesand Posts: 17

    Level 2


    No I haven’t been able to sync my accounts.

    yesterday I saw an announcement that there was a major problem that is being fixed and no to try any syncing!

    Plus I can’t find any settings as stated on the syncing advice.



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