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FHS Alphabet Game



  • LeFlarcane
    LeFlarcane Posts: 19,920
    edited January 2024

    3) Super Mario World

    @bramam hello there, oh I miss you much.

    I'm back with the King Community.

  • bramam
    bramam Posts: 1,240

    Hello my dear, 👋

    I've missed you too

    I'm also very rarely in the community

    I only play FHS and in the last few months a lot has changed that I don't like so much right now,


    For many months I have not received any messages and tags from the community,


    Every now and then I look at this page

    There hasn't been anything going on for a long time and not as interesting as it used to be,

    Can you revive this, with my help and with the help of the other farmers?


    Thank you for the answer and best regards 😎😘

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?