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I didn't get the little pop up present again with the 2hrs free play
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I'm sorry if you had any problems. Have you always been playing? Didn't you get these 2 hours of life? Please update your game and clear the cache and restart. But now this time is definitely over. I'm sorry for you.
i have been playing for ages I'm using the latest version,I used to get it with no problems but haven't had it for last 3 weeks, every week I have asked support for help with this but nothing has changed and they haven't replied unfortunately
Welcome to the community @pauline1
Which little present exactly are you talking about as there isn't a regular one for this.
Sometimes they run special offers which can change at any time, but in all the years I have been playing I have never had a regular one for this without an event or using the Queen B feature? If you have a screenshot, even better 😊
On a Friday there is a little pop up present that appears with tgif, I don't get it on my PC but have always had it on my android tablet, when everyone was in lockdown these little pop up present appeared every day, since then it returned to normal and was only on a Friday, I have done the cache so fingers crossed it will be back this week
Ah I see. It might be because of lockdown but as that is officially lifted everywhere it has probably finished now. Let me know if it does come back though!
@Chicken_Slayer It has nothing to do whit corona/lockdowns. What @pauline1 talks about are the 2 hour unlimited life we get every friday. Don´t remember how long time I have had that I get 2 hours unlimited of life on fridays, but It has been like that for a long time. And I still get it. For me I was confused/suprised when queenb posted a tgif post a couple af weeks ago here and thougt it was something new. But it was the usaully one.
@pauline1 You say that you have clear the cache. I´m not sure that alone will work. But since you are on android tablet you can try antoher thing. Close the game. Then clear the cache (you know how to do that). Then open the game. Do not hit play. Instead go to the yellow cirkel down to the left. Click on that then click on your profile and log out. Play 5 levels. Then close the game. Then open the game. Go to the yellow cirkel then profile and log in and play.
Sometimes it can be small issues with things when you play both on pc and on tablet/phone. That it cause a little glitch on things in the tablet/phone.
I still don't get the tgif pop up,I have completely given up trying to get it back so I'm just enjoying playing the events luckily I still get that
@pauline1 It seems that they maybe have taking that away. Because the last two weeks, I like you have not got it. So we just have to wait and see if it comes back.
@piaandersson clearly not everyone gets it then. I have never seen it and I have been playing since the beginning 😉
@Chicken_Slayer Like pauline I have had it for a long time (probably a couple of years) so this a thing I thougt all players (at least in mobile) had.