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How restart game at a previous saved level

Maudster Posts: 3

Level 1

So I’m devastated! I’ve played this game for years, investing time and money into getting so far. And this morning I’ve made a humongous mistake. Whilst still half a sleep I saved my progress and when I went back to the game it said start or go back to my level (in blue) which I admit I didn’t properly read and thought because it was blue was just linking to Facebook. So I started at level one. Thinking this is an easy level? In my stupidity I thought the save hadn’t worked so saved my progress again - here’s where reality kicked in 🤯😡 I’ve resaved my progress at level 1 😢😢 Years of gaming have been lost ☹️ Is there anyway to go back to a previously saved progress i.e like a reboot so that the 2nd save hadn’t happened??

Best Answers

  • Loveth_NP
    Loveth_NP Posts: 1,741
    Answer ✓

    Hi and a very warm welcome to you @Maudster  . 

    Só sorry about that. 

    i hope the experts responds is positive for you.

    Best of luck and enjoy crushing 🍭🥂

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,175
    Answer ✓

    OK, Thank you for patiently giving me all these needed details dear @Maudster

    One more detail I need -- can you please give me your game user ID number? Usually, we have to contact the "King Player Support Team" to restore our Level progress.

    But, I will ask if our Farm Heroes Community In-charge can help you with this issue and put you back on your original level.

    So, I will need your game user ID number. Here is how you find it ---> Click on the "Red Circle with 3 lines" that you see in the bottom left corner -- then click on the "My Profile" tab -- Double click on the "King Emblem" that you see at the top of the page -- You will find your ID number -- Simply "Copy & Paste" that number here.

    I will talk to you soon. Have a wonderful rest of the day 🍓 🍓


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,175

    Hello @Maudster Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community 🤗

    I am so sorry to hear about the issue in your game!

    Few questions before I can suggest anything on how to get your progress back...

    1) You said you are playing the game for years, right? Have you not tried to save the game till this morning?

    2) If you did save your game prior to today, did you use the same log-in details today also (both times)?

    3) Which device are you using? Are you talking about Farm Heroes Saga or some other game (just for my clarification)?

    4) Did you happen to take any screenshots of the map or a level, when you were on the higher levels?

    You should be able to get your progress back by contacting to the "Player Support Team". But, let's see.

    Can you please answer my questions? You can simply type your reply in the comment box given below.

    Talk to you soon! Have a Farmtastic day 🍓 🍓

  • Maudster
    Maudster Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Yes I’ve previously saved progress but saw the new reminder so did it this morning.

    Yes same login details (into my account)

    iPad and yes Farm Hero Saga

    No unfortunately not (just kept playing) I had lots of free life’s offered by friends. Had just completed the 7 day reward so had 4 dogs, perhaps 1 shovel, 2 Tractors and a few +1 lots of beans and my friend who was behind me said I must of been at least in the 2200+ area. Didn’t think I would ever need any screenshots. Can’t believe how stupid I was in not restarting at my previous level 😢 But didn’t read it properly and thought it was the usual blue button for Facebook connection

  • Loveth_NP
    Loveth_NP Posts: 1,741
    Answer ✓

    Hi and a very warm welcome to you @Maudster  . 

    Só sorry about that. 

    i hope the experts responds is positive for you.

    Best of luck and enjoy crushing 🍭🥂

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,175
    Answer ✓

    OK, Thank you for patiently giving me all these needed details dear @Maudster

    One more detail I need -- can you please give me your game user ID number? Usually, we have to contact the "King Player Support Team" to restore our Level progress.

    But, I will ask if our Farm Heroes Community In-charge can help you with this issue and put you back on your original level.

    So, I will need your game user ID number. Here is how you find it ---> Click on the "Red Circle with 3 lines" that you see in the bottom left corner -- then click on the "My Profile" tab -- Double click on the "King Emblem" that you see at the top of the page -- You will find your ID number -- Simply "Copy & Paste" that number here.

    I will talk to you soon. Have a wonderful rest of the day 🍓 🍓

  • Maudster
    Maudster Posts: 3

    Level 1

    😊☺️😊☺️😊☺️😊☺️😊☺️😊☺️👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻THANK YOU SOOOOOOO SOOOOO MUCH ! For your help with my issue. I’m back baby 🤗🤗🤗 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Whoever and whatever somebody has kindly done has restored my game to my original level I was at before my mistake. I am eternally grateful. 💐💐💐💐 Don’t think my husband is though as I’m sat back playing 🤣🤣 Tuff he’ll have to suck it up 🌈🌈🌈🌈

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