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PrettyBubbles Posts: 27,922
edited October 2020 in Discussions

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Hi to all you farm heroes 🐏 @Elsa and I was chatting over a coffee ☕ I was telling her how as a child I wanted to live on a farm just to feed the chickens 🐤 Elsa said she had no interest in farming untll she started writing the Farm Heroes stories. This inspired her to find out more and she had so much fun expressing this in her story 📖 about Rachel and Rancid going to Dairy District because she felt as though she was with them. I was very interested in what she said so I read this amazing story SEASON COME AND SEASONS GO it's so informative and not be missed.

We know how you all love playing farm🐄🐖🐑🐐🦃🐓 but did you have a farming interest that inspired you to choose this game. Or did you simply like the look of the game

We would love you share your story with us.

Maybe @Elsa can take some inspiration from you for a brand new farm story.


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