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people send lives i accept them and i only get 5

khtwe18 Posts: 2

Level 1

edited December 2020 in Support

I am so confused about lifes. people send lives i accept them and i only get 5


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to our beautiful community if you play in FB you will find the answer under this link !! Good luck

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2020

    @khtwe18 I´m not sure what you wonder about.

    You can only have 5 lifes as max. So if you have 0 (zero) life and 10 friends send you life and you accept all you still only get 5.

    But is it so that you know that many friends send you life but they don´t turn up in your box as life (or beans). In that case there is a bug at least if you play on facebook.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,409

    Hello @khtwe18 ,

    In addition to the information @piaandersson gave, you should know that the "extra" lives are maintained in your Inbox. So, even though you can only have 5 lives at one time, the unused lives are not lost. You can claim them whenever you have less than full (5) lives.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2020

    @MountainMom That is not quit right.

    If you have full (5) lives and friends sends you life. Thoose life changes to beans. So life your friends send can´t be saved in the inbox for long. So if you have 4 life and two friend send you life and you take one of thoose life (so you got 5) the other turn to beans. So friends life can only be saved as long as you have less then 5. And that also means, if you close the game for a while so your life have been filled up by the system the saved life turn to beans.

    But if you are in honeypotteam. When the player in the team send you life thoose life will be saved in the inbox so you can pick them when ever you want. I always click on the X on that popup so I close the popup and that way have extra life. Don´t know if it works the same if you click on collect.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,578

    @piaandersson the system behaves exactly as you describe it.

    That's why I'm going to check in my inbox what requests or gifts are from magic beans. If someone gives me a life, I don't do anything with the button behind it when I can't use it right now. 

    I look for the messages that I can safely confirm (get beans as a gift, etc.) and confirm each message individually.

    But if you use the butt that confirms all the messages and sends lives, you'll get magic beans (if you have enough life) instead of a lifetime and the messages will be deleted.

    The system does not store more than 5 lives, so you can't have 6 or more lives in the display of life at Farm Heroes.

    So if you don't want to delete the gifted lives from your inbox, don't use the button to do it until you want it and don't take the button that does everything.

    I hope that helps you.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,409

    Thanks for the information @piaandersson . I never realized that extra lives sent by friends were converted to magic beans. I do notice that lives from honey pot team members stay in my Inbox. I appreciate you clarifying for me ...and others. Thanks again.

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