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uldry Posts: 4

Level 1



  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,449

    @uldry 🍏🍓🍎🍏🍓🍎

    Bonjour et bienvenue sur la Communauté !

    Veuillez noter que cet espace est uniquement en Anglais. Mais pas de problème ! L'un de nos Community Manager va déplacer votre commentaire afin de vous rediriger vers le Forum en Français.

    Merci !

    I'm sorry but we have to close this thread, there is another your similar topic:

    @PummyRaj many thanks 🙂😉

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,129

    Hello @uldry A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful King Community 🤗

    Just like my friend @encantes mentioned, it looks like you have opened 2 discussions. Please refrain from posting multiple threads as it will create confusion for both you and us for the follow-up.

    Please click on these Green Fonts 👉️ "Aide" -- which you have posted in French, to continue to discuss and we will be there to help you 👍️

    This thread will be closed now considering it as a Duplicate Post

    Thank you for understanding. Have a Farmtastic Day 🍓 🍐 🍓

This discussion has been closed.

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