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Bonnie's booster

sinoxolo Posts: 3

Level 1

It really disappoints when it disappear on my game screen


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @sinoxolo 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful King Community 🌺

    I am sorry to say that I am not very clear about the issue you are having!

    Does the Bonnie disappear before the timer ends OR you do not like the game when Bonnie is not there (after the timer ends)!

    1) If you are complaining that she is disappearing before the timer runs out, it is an ongoing issue for many players. But, both the Farm Studio and our Community In-charge are aware of it and looking into the ways to improve the feature 👍️

    2) If you are saying the you do not like when Bonnie is not there in the game -- I completely understand how you feel. When she is in the game, she gives us extra boosters to beat those hard and tricky levels. And also, to increase our score to earn 250 Magic Beans by achieving 3 stars 😃

    Please post back by typing your reply in the box given below.

    Hope to talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic Day 🍓 🍐 🍓

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