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Family & Friends

Mtosh1 Posts: 3

Level 1

I’m new to this discussion group so I have a simple question. I used to have my family & friends accessible so I could give lives or request them also. How do I reconnect with them?


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147

    Hello @Mtosh1 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our Farmtastic King Community!

    Hope you are talking about Farm Heroes Saga game!

    Are you connected to the game either through Facebook OR Kingdom account? Because, those are the only 2 ways we can connect with other players in the game.

    Did anything change in your game? Did the game suddenly stop receiving Lives?

    We are having issues with sending & receiving lives from past few months! I am thinking your game is also affected with that glitch!

    Can you please post back by typing your reply in the comment box given below?

    Thank you and talk to you soon. Have a Cropsilicious rest of the day 🍓 🍐 🍓

  • xxxk
    xxxk Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hey i have similar problem - with king account i cant add any friends i can only see other people in teams etc but not my friends. There is otion to “connect” in mail but it gets me nowhere hmm

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147

    Hello dear @xxxk 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful King Community!

    Can you please tell me whether you are using a mobile device OR a laptop -- (1) to play the game, (2) to add friends.

    When you said "the option to connect in mail" -- were you referring to adding the friends by adding their email address in the given space?

    Please reply back and clarify for me. Hope to talk to you soon.

    Have a Farmtstic rest of the day 🍎 🍏 🍎

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