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TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or JOIN a friend's Team👩‍🌾👩‍🌾



  • Owr
    Owr Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Tek oynamayı seviyorum😘

  • jokalee
    jokalee Posts: 15

    Level 2

    I need membros i my tema... Do you wanna join me?

  • raebennett311
    raebennett311 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Happy playing! Join me on Bobs Burgers 🤩

  • nikola2001
    nikola2001 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Nie mam teamsa

  • Adrienne_
    Adrienne_ Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hello all.. I've tried joining a team as well over a month ago and all were full, so I've created a team myself. I have no clue how to invite anyone to join. I'm still alone here, if anyone is interested in joining somehow, the name is NuttySquirrels... I'm on level 1813.. no pressure, just pure fun ... thank you in advance if anyone joins or can help 🤔

  • Hi there Adrienne_

    I am hopeful that they will get this straightened out soon. I have had my one woman team for a few weeks now and zero people have joined. I don’t know how to go about inviting other than in forums like this or private messages on Facebook maybe?

    I followed all the instructions on making it as easy as possible to join ie team is “open” and at the lowest level to join at level 40.

    I was pretty frustrated at first but I figured 🤷🏼‍♀️ I still have a team even if it’s just me 😂

    Not to take away from your own team but you are also welcome to join me. I am level 2900+ because I have been playing for years 😆

    I wish you the best and if you find any new or better ways to get teammates, then please share them here.

    Thank you 🙏😊

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    I play Candy Crush too, and am in a team of 5 there. Points can be earned 24/7 for various reasons, and enjoy a reasonable turnover of prizes.

    Unfortunately in Farm, points or Pick Axes can be earned not as well in comparison. Certainly nowhere near 24/7. I am in a full team of 12. Is a bit of a disappointment, to begin with. Quite a narrow window, to be passing levels. Am wondering why prizes cannot be earned at any time, like they can be in Candy Crush....and maybe your event creators can put that right some day ?

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,854
    edited June 2021

    @John_58011 thank you for you comment, I only play Farm, just haven't time to start playing any other games, although very tempted. Your comment I feel is a very relevant one and I totally agree, and it is good to know what other King games offer.

    It is hard work in a team here for many reasons, have asked for more time in a discussion and better prizes to encourage the team to play, but understandably some levels are very difficult to pass, hence more time. Please try and find my discussion and vote, please add your opinion 😊

  • maaggda
    maaggda Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited June 2021
  • maaggda
    maaggda Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited June 2021

    **Edit by CM: Unsupported language**

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