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Team Issues!

King_admin Posts: 3,985
edited November 2021 in Discussions
This discussion was created from comments split from: Increase team size from 12 to 15 or 20 members.


  • rfjh5
    rfjh5 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    @rebelchild , I hear you, and agree that more people might participate in teams if more members could be added, but I say might, because there could be others like me that are unable to search for teams to join via their ID, so are consequently unable to join them and therefore I can't really comment on it as am unable to participate in the team that I want to join, Speaking from my experience as a long time farmer, with Teams not being an option for me, and King unlikely to fix the problem, I preferred collecting Honey Pots, even though I had the problem of never receiving +moves awards as a thankyou for my efforts, another problem that was never fixed. Good news is that my daily bonuses have returned for the last 2 days 



  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,788

    Well @rfjh5 you could sit back and complain about your issues, or you could try to do something to fix them by starting a discussion like I did here. That's one of the benefits of belonging to this wonderful community. Maybe you would find a solution, or maybe King will pay attention and realize there are bugs to work out.

    Thank you for your input for this issue

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639
    edited August 2021

    @rfjh5 Farm Hero Saga releases it's features the same as all King Games does which means not all members have all features in their game, such as UK Challenge was only there and not in the USA and other features here in the USA are not in India or Thailand, these game functions are released mostly on a trial basis so The game developer can receive feedback on the feature, whether it's good or bad, if they should implement it within the game or remove it. I don't have every function that is voted on here but I try to keep in mind what if it is placed into my game ? Maybe they need my vote or is this an old issue ? I check if it's old I just move on by, but if not I try to help vote it into our Games if those who are conducting the Discussion are doing it for that purpose then I vote in favor. 😉😎♥️💯

  • rfjh5
    rfjh5 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    edited August 2021

    @rebelchild Hi, I'm not sitting back !!! I'm sharing the issues here in the discussion in the hope that someone might be able to help find a solution as I have no idea as to how to go about getting King to improving our farming experiences. I did previously take the bother to try and fix this inability to join teams issue, **Edit by CM: removed personal info.** Since then they have done nothing to resolve the Teams issue that I informed them of. That's why as a last resort I mentioned it here to the Wonderful Community to try and find some support, maybe you can help me find a solution as I have tried every way that I know. Otherwise I guess I WILL BACK DOWN, AND LEAVE THE FARMING GROUND .

    Thank you for at least responding to me


  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,788

    @rfjh5 oh ok I understand. You have done a lot of work on your issue. Maybe you could create your own thread so that your title would catch other members eyes and perhaps get you suggestions or even an idea how many other players are having this same issue. Maybe put a question in the help area. I wish you luck

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836

    I've moved this conversation for the idea thread so we can talk a bit more about the issue you are having.

    May I ask again, what is the error message that you get when trying to join Pummy's team, and do you get the same message when trying to join another team?

    I remembered you mentioned you play on Facebook! Do you have access to Windows 10 app so you can try the App instead of the game through the browser?

    @PummyRaj, could you share a screenshot of your team so I can see you have an available spot there? Thanks 😉

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,153
    edited August 2021

    Hello dear QueenB 🤗

    Yes! We do have 2 more spots in my team, as I have reserved it for our friends @rfjh5 and @bearwithme

    Unfortunately, both of them still have not received the “Teams” feature. I am thinking it might not be a device restriction/issue 🤷

    Although @rfjh5 plays on laptop, @bearwithme plays on a mobile device (mini iPad, I think).

    So sorry! I forgot to add the screenshot of my team before 🤦‍♀️

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836

    Thanks @PummyRaj ☺️

    Okay, I need a confirmation as to rather @bearwithme and @rfjh5 have the Team feature in their game but are not able to join your team due to an error or if they don't have the Team feature available in their game at all.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,153

    Oh! So sorry! My bad 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ (hitting head)

    Out of them both —

    @bearwithme — is still waiting to receive the feature;

    @rfjh5 is having “error” issues, as he mentioned in the first post.

    He is one of the first players (along with me) who has received TEAMS feature.

  • rfjh5
    rfjh5 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Thanks @PummyRaj , and yes @QueenB I do have the Teams feature but the search for teams via ID does not work.

    I play on a MAC mini (M1 2020) (ie desktop not laptop). Still hoping to join you one day @PummyRaj best wishes


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