Collect flowers for rewards!
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When getting all 3 farm animals on a farm club level, don't you always receive rewards? I went back and re-played all the farm club levels that I did not receive 3 stars on, to try to obtain 3 stars. 95% of the time, when I got all 3 animals (stars), I earned rewards from the farm club tab. But on a few of them I didn't, and I'm just wondering if there's a particular reason for that. Thanks
Hello @gscarfino 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!
I am very sorry to hear that you had an issue with rewards in the Farm Club!
By any chance, are you talking about the last 3 Companions and the rewards next to those ? (questions marks) OR is it something else?
If they are from other companions collection, do you remember which rewards are those that you might have missed to collect?
Can you please reply back and clarify for me? You can simply type your message in the blank box given below to my comment.
Looking forward to talk to you soon. Have a great rest of the day 🍓 🍓
Yes, the companions. I'm currently on level 1050, but as I said, I've gone back to the beginning and re-played all the levels with the cow outline on them, that I had not earned 3 stars on. I know that I did not receive any rewards when I did level 730 or level 1050. I can't remember the the numbers of the other levels, it was only like 5 or so. Each time I got 3 stars I went to the rewards tab and collected whatever I had earned. These 5 times I'm referring too, there just wasn't anything to collect.
Are you able to post a screenshot of the map and the farm club tab?
hello everyone
it takes 3 stars on three levels to get all the rewards
1050 1065 1080
🍮 🍮
Thank you for the detailed information dear @gscarfino
Let me check and will get back to you in a bit 👍️
Oh, on any level? So after you get three stars on 3 levels, that's when you get the reward? It doesn't have anything to do with companions?
hi @gscarfino
am sorry I was not clear
🍮 🍮
the companion levels are green on the map
you want 3 stars on every companion level in a group
the companion levels give rewards when three companion levels are completed as a group(with 3 stars)
for example ... levels 1050 1065 1080 are a group
when you get 3 stars on every level in a group then you clean up on rewards
🍮 🍮
I got it, thanks!
So I have numerous levels with three stars earned and I am unable to gather my rewards. I have even replayed multiple levels I have already attained 3 stars on and yet I still cannot gather my rewards! Frustrating! What else??!!
Hello @mrswrede 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!
I am sorry to hear that there is an issue in your game with the "Farm Rewards"!!
Can you please explain why you are not able to collect your rewards? Will you be able to post a screenshot of those uncollected rewards?
Also, what is happening when you try to collect the rewards? Please provide as many details as possible.
** TO reply back, simply type your message in the blank box given below to my comment. And to post the screenshot, tap on the 2nd icon located in the bottom left corner.
Looking forward to talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🐥 🐥