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Level 4.186 is impossible to pass

Peter_Ppeter Posts: 16

Level 2

Dear farmers, tell me how is it possible to get 26 cayman, explode 13 firecrackers, clear 20 grass and get 140 strawberries in just 15 moves!!!

I've spent lots of boosters, lots of gold bars on extra moves and the best result I got was 16 caymans...

I'm a very skilled player, I've been playing this game for 4 years now and I don't use to complain about anything, but this level is just impossible.

Please, do something to prevent frustration in your players.

Thank you



  • What is a cayman? I'm not up to that level yet.

  • Peter_Ppeter
    Peter_Ppeter Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Alligator, sorry

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hi @Peter_Ppeter and Welcome in this Community πŸ“ 🍎 🍏 πŸ“ 🍎 🍏

    I'm sorry for level 4186 and I agree with you sometimes is very frustating to be stuck in a level next to impossibile! You are forced to use a lot of extra moves or boosters!!! I'm in a lower level so I can't check how to play!

    Do you play Farm Heroes only with one device or different,Facebook, or mobile?

    I watched in internet 2 video and the last one posted 1 month ago there were 20 alligators, may you please check if there are different numbers of elements?

    Many thanks 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞 🌞

  • I am up to level 3400 or so. It sounds like the key is to set off the firecrackers. Each one that blows up hit there other items on the screen. It will crack eggs, take out weeds and collect cropsies.

  • Peter_Ppeter
    Peter_Ppeter Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Thank you for answering encantes.

    I only play on my android tablet. I log in on and sometimesI Facebook.

    Here's a screen shot of my game

  • Peter_Ppeter
    Peter_Ppeter Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Grumpy, firecrackers are hidden in the grass and you've got to clear it to start firing them, 3 strokes each one, 13 crackers in just 15 moves...

  • This is happening often. I am at level 4306. The superhard levels require multiple boosters to pass. I had to use 17 to pass one of the earlier levels. This sucks all the fun from the game. Plus you still haven't fixed the issue with beans not being awarded. It's been going on for months now. And now for some reason, you have stopped offering ads to gain boosters or extra moves. I am seriously considering just quitting as it is no longer fin to play. Here is the opening screen for 4306. 15 moves to break 26 cubes, create & grow 10 flowers, create & eliminate 6 alligators plus capture 45 raindrops. Absolutely no chance to do this without 20 or so boosters.

  • @Peter_Ppeter some of the weeds only need two hits to open. I would match the strawberries next to the weeds first and hope for a cascade.

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hi and Welcome again 🌺🌞

    May you please check level 4186 if the goals are changed? Sorry I can't check because I'm at level 4140.

    Thank you πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ have a super day! 🌞🌞

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Peter_Ppeter πŸ€—

    A little bit more to add what my friend @encantes has informed above...

    I have checked the level 4186 once again after the Studio made a tweak! I am afraid, it is not much!! They have decreased the Baby Alligators count from 26 to 23! I have not replayed the level yet! But, I am going to right now.

    Screenshot of revised board

    Please post back and let us know your feedback on how you feel with that tweak!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?