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I'm in desperate help with this issue ⤵️ I've been having on my game since yesterday.
I want to play the Team Leagues with my team but haven't been able to access the map (or my game) since yesterday morning, ever since the image for the Farm Cup popped up on the bottom right of the screen.
Game ID ➡️ 1450016114
Please, help this fellow farmer! 🙏
🏷️ ⬇️
I've been playing Farm a lot lately (I'm obsessed with all the cool features, my team with players from the Community, the contests here & you do have some pretty cool Mods 😋 so I really, really don't want to miss a thing)!
I'll hang on, I promise! 🤞 🙃
Hi Dani 😃 @DaniTheOG
Have you tried playing on a mobile device to see if the event works there?
In my experience, some events worked better on a mobile device than on Windows 10!, Hence, the recommendation 🙂 No harm in trying, right?
Also, I don’t want you to miss out on the chance of winning the Finals 🌟 🌟
Thanks @PummyRaj! 🤗 I followed your advice & logged in both on my tablet & my phone but sadly I don't have the event there. The game does work on my phone (as well as on FB and on but with no events. I only get events on my Windows 10 app.
I just heard back from Player Support & they told me they had forwarded my info to a specialist who told them that I should wait until the next update for the issue to be resolved... 😔 Do you know when the next update comes out?
Cc. @QueenB
Great to know Dani 👍️
The Tournament icon will appear on "menu" screen for the first 3 rounds as it is for everybody. Since the Finals are limited to only those selected Farmers, the icon will be inside the game. That's what I felt and thought when I went to Finals.
All the very best! Hope you will win some goodies 🍀 🍀