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🏁 Episode Race! Race it or Not?

QueenB Posts: 15,776

Episode Race is a great way to challenge yourself and earn prizes while beating other Farmer 🚜

At the start of each episode, you will have to chance to race against 5 players where only the top 3 winners get rewards.

The goal is to be the first in completing the episode and take the grand prize.

We would like to hear your thoughts about Episode Race and how it can be improved.

Have you been having technical issues with it? Let us know please!

Do you think this feature could be better? Tell us!

Be as brutally honest as possible, we want to hear it all 😉

☀️ Want to participate? Sign up for HERE in 2 seconds! 🍏

🏁 Episode Race! Race it or Not? 32 votes

I love it
78% 25 votes
I like to play alone
21% 7 votes
I don't have it in my game
0% 0 votes


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