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Been locked out!

Pec771 Posts: 6

Level 2

edited August 2023 in Support

Hi. Been playing the game for years now and still love it. But now, for some reason, I have been locked out of the game on iPhone for reasons to do with 'regional regulations'. I may have erred when entering my birthdate whilst logging in and something's now amiss. Can't access the game at all. Have been onto Support but no joy yet. Help! I need my fix! What can I do next?


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776

    Hi @Pec771!

    Did you happen to get this message:

    If yes and you contacted Support, wait for a little bit more as it can take up to 72 hours before you get a reply.

  • Pec771
    Pec771 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Yes, that's it! Can't get any further. I'm now in touch with Support and they say they're trying to get me unlocked. Will report back as and when. Thanks.

  • Pec771
    Pec771 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Things seem to be AOK again. Many thanks to all concerned.

  • RobTopGames2013
    RobTopGames2013 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    @Pec771 I need help to correct my birthday so that's an error messagenSince I need help to edit birthday account but I sent the birthday to 07/09/2012 but it says "Oops! It looks like you cannot play now Sorry, you cannot access the game at this time due to regional regulations." But I Can't play the Candy Crush Soda Saga.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello again @RobTopGames2013🤗 Hearty Welcome to our lovely Farm Community!

    Looks like you have posted in multiple game categories, as you were worried about the issue you are experiencing in the game!

    But, since you were helped HERE by our Soda Saga Moderator, and this discussion thread being more than one and half years old, I will close this thread to avoid confusions.

    Hope the issue will be resolved in your game and you will be able to play soon👍️

    Thank you for joining our Community and have a great rest of the week🌞

This discussion has been closed.

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