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Level 3347

Sage320 Posts: 2

Level 1

Level 3347 is not working properly. It keeps shutting down before all of the chances are used and it deducts a life. It isn't using the gold bars, but it is using the boosters as I've tried to get around the problem. This has been going on for two days.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Sage320 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our lovely Farm King Community!

    I am sorry to hear about the issue you are having in your game with level # 3347 🤔 Let me check my game and get back to you.

    Can you please tell me which device you are using? Is it a mobile device OR a personal computer? If mobile device, which one are you using? Sometimes, glitches vary depending the device we use!!

    Please post back your reply by typing in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic rest of the weekend 🍒🍒

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