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After my Chrome crashed and signed me out, when I recovered everything, my power ups were significantly reduced. How can I get them back?? I had to restore passwords and bookmarks but everything looks good except my power ups. I'm so disappointed because I had a BUNCH!!!
What can I do???
Hello @Irenejd 🤗 Hearty Welcome Back to our lovely Farm King Community!
I am very sorry to hear about the issue you had with the game!
Did it happen today? What did you mean when you said "chrome crashed" - can you please explain a bit more? Is it the Chrome browser on your computer OR Chrome Book?
Did you install an update for the Chrome? Will it be possible for you to check how much free space is there on your device memory?
I have heard that, when we "update" our browser / mobile device software / App version -- the device creates some free space by deleting some of our boosters! I am wondering may be this sort could have happened 🤔
Let me ask our Farm In-charge and see if she can shed some light for us!! Please bear with us 🙏
Please post back the details I have asked for. To reply back, you can simply type in the blank box given below to my comment.
Talk to you soon. Have a great rest of the day 🍒
Thank you, PummyRaj for responding!! I have a fairly new desktop Dell PC and I was using the Chrome browser with Windows 10. This happened a few days ago, I believe it may have been Saturday or Sunday, the 12th or 13th. I did not install any updates, nor do I see any were installed. I am calling it a Chrome crash because it did not behave nicely. I had signed out of my Chrome account. I did this because I had a few accounts because I was president of a club. Each account had a different purpose. I turned the accounts over to the new President and club board and they were no longer functional on my PC in Chrome.
Bummer!!! They should not mess with our King games with their updates!!!! 👿 😋
I am assuming that you mean my hard drives since it is a PC?? Here are the stats. Please let me know if you are wanting something else. Dell: I-7-107000K CPU @ 3.80GHz, 32 GM Installed RAM, System Drive 934 GM with 120 GB used and 813 GB free. On my iPad game I have 6 shovels, 16 tractors, 26 +1s, 22 collectors. I had many more on my PC, which I use when I am really in trouble and need more power ups. Now, on my PC I have only 1 shovels, 1 tractor, 2 +1s, 8 collectors. I'm pretty sure I had somewhere in the area of 4 times most of these. I know I had a bunch, some in the 30's and 40's.
Is this what you are needing? I appreciate the help, PummyRaj!!!