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Nobody can help me?? Haven't seen any posts.....
Lost most of my power ups and lives I had been give too (just noticed!!) when my Chrome crashed. Any ideas? Would love to get this stuff back. Also don't seem to be connected to FB any more either. Or has that changed? Always assumed I was connected.
Thanks much!
Hi Irene @Irenejd 🤗 Hearty Welcome back to to lovely Farm King Community!
I am so sorry hear that you are experiencing issues your game 😕
I just looked at your previous question… I sincerely apologize for not attending there! Our Community “Editor” program has not been working properly, and hence, I have been missing all my tag notifications. Was it resolved?
Coming back to the current issue with your game —
1) Lost power ups and Chrome crashed —> I am assuming that this issue is on your computer? Did this happen today or last month on March 14th (your previous complaint);
** Few other Farmers also are experiencing this glitch. The Farm Studio is aware about this issue. They are investigating about it, but, could not find out any bugs (yet) with the game!
2) Not connected to FB —> Are you experiencing this issue on your iPad?
Hope to talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍒
Hi, Pummy Raj!!
Good to hear from you again. Hey, things happen, and you can't always get back to them immediately. That's why it took me so long to write again myself!
1) Yes, this issue is on my PC. It happened originally on the 14th. I am starting to accumulate my power ups. It is the same complaint. I thought I would ask again because I did not hear anything back. I am accessing Farm Heroes thru my FaceBook on my PC so I am signed in. Unless there is another way to connect to FB and Farm Heroes that I do not know about.
I am a software tech myself so I know that some bugs are hard to find. Sometimes impossible!!!
2) I do not have this issue on my iPad.
Would appreciate anything you can find on this. Some of my power ups were in the 30s and 40s!!! They really come in handy when you are having trouble with a level!
Thank you much, Pummy Raj, and I hope to hear from you soon with maybe some more ideas.
Thank you so much for your patience, dear Irene 🙏💜
I am very glad to know that the game on iPad is working properly 😍
Actually, there is another way to connect to the game through FB 👍️
Does your computer has Windows 10? If so, you can download the Farm Heroes Saga app through Microsoft Store. Since it is the App form, you will find the special events also in the game (minus the Quests)! May be you can give it a try? So that, you can enjoy the game normally and also receive the special events and the Bonnie feature too 🤩
And, once I have any update on the Facebook game issue, I will get back to inform you. Until then, please bear with me 😔
Will talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍒