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I win Bonnie's Boosters, for example one shovel and one (+1) but when I am on the game the (+1) doesn't appear to be there at all, only the shovel. It's been quite some time with this issue now. I haven't used it at all as shown on the pictures. On two different devices it appears the same. Any idea how to have this fixed?
Hello @veidrizi 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our lovely Farm King Community!
The +1 booster will not be added to our existing boosters - like the Shovel and the Purple dog (Color Collector). Instead, it will be added to the board directly and increase the Cropsies value by 1.
If you check your second screenshot, you will notice that there is a +1 added on all the Apples and Strawberry Cropsies. That is how the +1 booster granted by Bonnie works.
I use my Color Collector to collect those extra cropsies to fulfill the goal as well as not waste the +1 booster.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or need clarification with anything else. You can reply by simply typing in the blank box given below to my comment.
Keep enjoying your game. Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍓🍓