Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Thanks encantes
Thank you @encantes ๐
Thanks @encantes , here's my Game Id: 1428843002 and congratulations to all the winners!๐
@encantes thank you๐ My User ID is 13663415063
On winning the 10 Gold Bars
ย @ashilyas @galaxyangel @Thmo @Amoonmoon @KCullen127 @teeweiping @spoekie @BuffaloGal57 @SabrinaM @007jayc
@FarmerB @gordan10 @Racoon7 @Nico_G @Dada13 @Utopiaso @EnergizerBunny @Doris_Koch @Gabrian_Diaz @Jose65_6 @Bellamy32
Thank you for those congratulating me.
And congratulations to those
On winning the 10 Gold Bars
ย @ashilyasย @galaxyangelย @Thmoย @Amoonmoonย @KCullen127ย @teeweipingย @spoekieย @BuffaloGal57ย @SabrinaMย @007jayc
@FarmerBย @gordan10ย @Racoon7ย @Nico_Gย @Dada13ย @Utopiasoย @EnergizerBunnyย @Doris_Kochย @Gabrian_Diazย @Jose65_6ย @Bellamy32@MiladyR
Hello Farmers ๐จโ๐พ ๐ฉโ๐พ
Just sent right now the request for your rewards ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
I have 3 Game ID missing:
Many thanks ๐ ๐ ๐
I wish to all a wonderful day ๐