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This must be a cheater or have you another explanation?

NadiaOlanda Posts: 3

Level 1

edited November 2022 in Support

Hi, I'm playing farm heroes saga for years now and i think, I'm pne of the best players here. Always enjoyed it, but now i noticed this game isn't fair.

How is it possible that one anonymous player gets over 11.0000 points in the event in just a few minutes? It's impossible, so it must be a cheater.....

I will not play any event anymore, till this is sorted out...

Greetings Nadia


  • Tess92
    Tess92 Posts: 3,715

    Hi @NadiaOlanda and welcome to our sweet Community! 🤗

    This is the Candy Crush Saga forum, but don't worry! I'll help you find the right part of the community.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    Hi @NadiaOlanda and welcome to the farm area!

    I know it seems like someone isn't playing fair which is frustrating, but sometimes there are glitches and people get the wrong score. Sometimes people also spend a lot of gold making sure they are at the top. I don't understand why but they do 🤷‍♂️

    We cannot do anything about it here though.

    I would suggest that you send an email through to player support. If you get an automated reply sending you back here, please reply back to that email telling them the issue again and see if they can do anything about it. I hope this helps 🙂

  • NadiaOlanda
    NadiaOlanda Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi, this issue happened in the finale of the farm tournament in a matter of 5minutes.....And getting over 11.000 appels in 5minutes is impossible.

    It's definitely a cheater and it's a bad thing, they ruin the effort to win from other players.......I can beat anybody aslong they play fair too.....

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    It very likely is…but there are a lot of good players that play. Ones that play fairly who have reached the top level and so have time to play. Or ones that have a large amout of gold and boosters. If you have gold and boosters you could reach that amount quickly. I could if I had time. It wouldn’t be impossible then. All you need is a large amount of colour collectors and a good board with a lot of apples.

    Unfortunately if it is someone not playing fairly, there isn’t anything that King can do. Which is annoying. Until they end up breaking their game (as doing that sort of thing always breaks their games at some point) Then when they ask for help to fix it, it will be seen.

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554
    edited November 2022

    Same thing happens in my game and the name is always "king" followed by some numbers and generic avatars like shown in OP's screenshot. Are these actual players or bots? There are other players on my list with more reasonable scores that have actual names and profile pics.

    I feel like King would be able to check & tell what is real and what is a bot if we give the player names

  • NadiaOlanda
    NadiaOlanda Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi Lady Choo,

    First of all, i'm not a newbie.....I play this game for many years..... I played long on another account , but started playing this account, coz the person on this account had a terrible accident and could not longer play.

    I can do almost every level in first try and never need or take gifted lives, so i could play on and on and on if I had the time.

    I have some frustrations though....That's why i came to this community, otherwise I would've never joined.

    When there are the the choo choo presents, you get one shovel and you can't buy the 3 for beans and you have to start a new level with only 1 shovel!?....So it's not really a good present if you have to start on a difficult level with only one shovel.

    And this game has still many errors in it, like showing blank tiles, when they should be filled and 5 in a rows not given, when it falls in place. And sometimes the game get stuck and you can't move anything.

    I also had like 120.000 beans and suddenly, i had only like 50.000.....Where did they go?

    And you say, some could use many colour collecters, but why should someone use like 50 colour collecters if the rewards of the event are very less? That doesn't make sense to me.

    Greetings Pherez....a dear friend of Nadia

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    That is sad to hear @NadiaOlanda 😥 I am so sorry.

    Ok so the choo choo...isn't a gift as such. Its a recharge and as you get 1 shovel free every six hours, that's why you get the 1 shovel. That is annoying if you buy 3 shovels normally.

    With regard to the errors, when you come across them, could you screenshot and tell us the level number please then we can let the studio know. Sometimes we get blank squares if something like a chicken or a bull is sat in the way and it prevents crops from above falling. There is usually always a move that can be done even if you cannot see it and that is why the game hasn't reshuffled. Again if that happens, let us know. I have been playing since the game began as well as many of the community here have and things like that are very rare.

    The beans...are you using companions? They automatically use beans each time. If not, then you would need to contact player support so that they can look into the account and see if they can find out why. That is annoying. I don't look exactly how many I have as I have a lot. But if they suddenly dropped to 50, 000 over night I would be wondering why too.

    And about the useage of boosters when the rewards are a lot less.....some people just like to be at the top. And I have actually known people do that just to make sure they are. It makes no sense to me either 🤷‍♂️

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?