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(ENDED) FIND the Differences and WIN Gold & Boosters



  • merily
    merily Posts: 116

    hello guys, here is my entry

    sorry but I didn't find a way to post an image in spoiler

  • Utopiaso
    Utopiaso Posts: 138

    Hi @PummyRaj, thx for the fun contest, I have spotted the below differences......🤔

    -The white cloud in the sky has been replaced by the bright sun

    -Tail of the smaller cloud on the left side of the picture is missing

    -The middle part of the barn building has slightly moved to the left and shown as double deck

    -The shadow pattern shown on the roof of the right barn building

    -A chicken egg has been missing beside the wooden gate of the barn

    -A chicken which landed on the roof of the barn

    -The color of the wooden gate of the barn has changed

    -The drain hole cover outside the path of the barn has disappeared, and its  reflection in the river missing as well

    -The reflection of the grassland edge by the barn side is substitute by water flow   

    -The purple onion in Amelia's box has changed to an orange carrot

    -The three light green spots under right edge side of Amelia's box has slightly moved  

    -A large carrot planted in the garden side has been replaced by two smaller ones

  • Terri_1
    Terri_1 Posts: 2,482
    edited December 2022

    Here's mine I hope you can understand it

  • Jose65_6
    Jose65_6 Posts: 989

    There is no blue circle on the path

    The sun has replaced the clouds

    No chick 🐣 on top of the barn

    Carrots there are 2 small

    The Barn Door Is White

    No water comes out of the pipe

    There is no onion in the box that Amelia is carrying

  • Lumiskell71gmail
    Lumiskell71gmail Posts: 53

    Level 3

    The sun and a widow and the size of the planets and a bird on roof

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    Hello @PummyRaj here are my findings ⤵️

    Clouds are missing, the sun, barn door is now white, window missing by lake, reflection missing in water of window and grass, onion in the box now a carrot, chicken missing from roof, the egg on the side of the barn, Amelia's shadow in lake, a carrot in missing in the ground, carrot difference in size, top half of barn shifted to the side a bit, and the back of the barn roof is chipped.

  • Terri_1
    Terri_1 Posts: 2,482
    edited December 2022

    Sorry I couldn't get it into spoiler

  • Senetia1
    Senetia1 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    My answer

  • Lumiskell71gmail
    Lumiskell71gmail Posts: 53

    Level 3

    The first one the window is on the ground and the second one has 9 black lines and the size of the vegetable are different and there is some thing buy the bottom of barn

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