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Help pls with Lv 318, crocodile egg

GuteHildegard Posts: 11

Level 2

Hello friends,

Approximately 20x I tried this level. There is no way that the crocodile egg stays on the left (identical / mirror-inverted to the eggs on left side of the picture). I won't do that for another day. Before I get more gray hair because of this level, I will delete the app. Gaming should make fun and not frustration 😭

The uploaded videos don't helped me. I do it on the same ways, there the crocodile egg stays perfect over the eggs below 🤷🏻‍♀️



  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited March 2023

    @GuteHildegard Hi. I don´t know what videos you have watch. There is a part in support area on top that have videos that @Lady_Choo have made. The video for level 318 for me it looks like it would be helpful.

    The trick is to have the eggs in there place so they just can fall down to next. If you can´t make it that way. You can use one showel to crack the ice under one of the eggs on both side.

    Video for level 318 is in this first link. Scroll down little then you find it.

    Episode 22 Levels 311- 325 — King Community

    This next link is to the videosection and so far it have up to level 585

    Videos — King Community

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    Hi there! I tried this level and was able to beat it a few times without using companions or boosters. The key is to break the ice around the eggs but never under any circumstances do you move any egg any way but down! Do not swipe it with a cropsie which moves the top eggs to the left or right. You want them to always move down one line. I was tempted many times but once you swap an eggs position you ruin the game. I can see by your screenshot that the egg on the right side was moved just from where its positioned.

    Here I tried to do step by step screenshots. Please excuse my drawings I tried the best I could lol.

    1 - this area boxed you must break the ice without moving the eggs. Break the ice around them and allow the top eggs to naturally fall down to the next line or be moved down once the ice under them is broken.

    2 - you want to break this ice here and allow the eggs fall or be moved down one line so that they match to the next line of eggs.

    3 - Eggs falling

    4 - Once the eggs fell down one line and they combined to make the one egg, they fall into this position. Next you want to move these eggs down.

    5 - Once you move those eggs down they combine to finally crack all the way and they fall into this position. Now you must break the ice under them.

    6 - Here I'm about to break the ice under the eggs on both sides once i move the star down, remember never to move eggs position.

    7 - Finally, move your eggs down (if they don't naturally fall)

    8- Tada! You've cleared the eggs on both sides!

    Just remember, the biggest key here is DON'T SWAP THE EGGS to the sides Ever! Only way is always down as it cascades down as you crack them down to the last line. you'll get it!!

    As a last resort if you need to, use shovels to break an ice block underneath so you can move an egg down. Since you can always buy 3 shovels before a level with beans when you've run out of shovels, it's not really a waste of anything except beans.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!!!

  • GuteHildegard
    GuteHildegard Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I also can't take it since yesterday?!?

  • GuteHildegard
    GuteHildegard Posts: 11

    Level 2

    @FarmerB thanks for your grateful answer.

    Look at your picture 4. It's the same way I always do.

    4 - Once the eggs fell down one line and they combined to make the one egg, THE RIGHT EGG DOESN'T FALL into this position. IT'S EVERY TIME IN THE POSITION ON THE RIGHT EDGE.

    With the egg on the left side everything is good.

    This picture is the end. Every time. There is no way for me (and 2 friends who plays such games for years and tried it too) that the egg stays / falls down and not to the corner.

    I hope I have expressed myself in a way that you can understand it well. I don't know how to say 🥺.

    Thx a lot FarmerB ☕🧁

  • GuteHildegard
    GuteHildegard Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I got it right. I newinstalled the app. Without a problem it runs.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @GuteHildegard Sorry to hear that you had a bug. But glad that you figured it out and solved it.

    When it comes to the chest. There is some that have that problem. It is a thread about it. It should have been solved to this but it seems to still be there. You can write in that thread.

    🚫 Known Issues - Farm Pass - Endless Chest doesn't open! — King Community

    But there is one thing you can try. Don´t click exact on the button abholen. Click around it. Sometimes that works. Otherwise write in the thread there others have written so they know that you have the problem.


  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    Yes I understand what you're saying! That's very strange! It seems then with that glitch the only way to beat the level is to use the shovels or tractor to break the ice here then crack the two eggs separately w boosters (the ones I marked), to make your last egg combo. But you shouldn't have to be using your boosters! I think this is an error in your level because the eggs should not combine to the right like that. I think the Farm team should look into this issue & fix! I see your frustration now.

  • GuteHildegard
    GuteHildegard Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I suspect the app has hung / was broken. After uninstall and reinstall it, I did'nt had a problems passing the level without using booster. The position of the egg on the right side was not correct. Idk. Thx a lot @FarmerB

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    @FarmerB no you shouldn't need to, it seems the level has resolved itself after reinstalling, but I will check it out again later just to make sure.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    I didn't finish it as I was only testing they were working, but the eggs did what they should do @FarmerB so it was either a temporary glitch or they changed something and messed it up briefly 😁

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