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How to save progress from icloud to emaill

deziraygouw Posts: 2 Newbie

Hi, I originally saved all of my progress on my iphone (which I assume it's saved on my icloud), is there anyway for me to change it and save it on my kingdom account (email)? I couldnt seem to find any way to do that...


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,036 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hi @deziraygouw and welcome to the community!

    There isn't a way to transfer data from the cloud as far as I know (I had this issue with another game and my question then was what was the point) From what I was told and found it seems more its just scores etc rather than progress for the game centre.

    When you log in, are you just saving with with apple?

    We can get your progress manually restored to a kingdom account, but your gold, beans and actual scores won't be there. However your levels will be, but it will be with a standard 2 stars for each level I think? I can ask for you though to confirm if need be, and I will also double check ^^ but it won't be seen until tomorrow πŸ€—

  • deziraygouw
    deziraygouw Posts: 2 Newbie

    Hi, yes when I log in, Im just saving it with apple (if Im not mistaken).

    Will my power-ups also be there if my progress manually restored to a kingdom account?

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,036 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hi, sadly no. They stay with the game on the device you earned them on, so in any case, even if you used the same account on two devices they don't transfer.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?