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Level 1495 - Sheep

Ladywithalife Posts: 4

Level 1

My sheep have a mind of their own. I make matches to make them move, and they want off elsewhere. Is it just this level, or is it happening on all levels with sheep?



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,167
    edited June 2023

    Hello @Ladywithalife 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our lovely Farm Community!

    You are absolutely right!! The Sheep do have their own mind… especially the Black ones 🙃🙃

    And, no! It is not just the one level you are playing… you will experience it with many other levels! And, I feel that it is just random!! If I play a level and the sheep act weirdly in one try, in my next try, they reach the Hay normally and don’t take any wrong steps 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    Over the weekend, I have played levels from 5395 to 5409. The Sheep in 3 of those levels did not follow the directions and caused me extra moves 😕😕

    Not sure this is a glitch or not!! But, we did not have many complaints!! For the game Studio to look into it, many players have to experience that issue/glitch at the same time. Until then, we have to let the sheep to wander off 🤣🤣

  • Ladywithalife
    Ladywithalife Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Thanks, at least I know I'm not crazy. They didn't use to do that

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,442

    I have noticed for a while that the white sheep stopped going to the hay first as well before the black sheep. Perhaps we need to stop feeding them so much! 😂

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @Ladywithalife I played level 1495 and there is mushrooms in that level. Is it when you make a match wiht mushrooms they go somewhere else. For me that happens in mushrooms levels that the sheep can go to anyone of the mushrooms that is in that move. Now I´m not sure but I think that the sheep can go away if the mushrooms lines up even whitout me making the move. But for my it´s only mushrooms. Otherwise they move as they should.

    @Lady_Choo for me that have always variated if the black or white goes first. I have never figured out why. The white should go first, but sometimes the black goes first. And I can have several white that should be able to be collected, one white sheep can be collected then a black one comes and take the hay. So that´s not new not for me anyway.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,442

    @piaandersson for me, when the sheep were first new, the white always went first. Because you could lead a white sheep to hay and if you moved the black one too, it moved afterwards. And it reminded me of chess. Then it stopped. So I don't know if it was meant to work like that or not now. Sometimes the studio fixes glitches we didn't even know was one!

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @Lady_Choo Maybe I write little wrong in my post shouldn´t said always, should said long time. I can´t say if it´s a glitch or not. But as you said when the black ones first came the withe whent first. And then I thougt that´s god anyway because the black eat the hay. Don´t remember what level I saw that the black could comes first or at least that they didn´t came last.

    I think that they have made the level like that to make them harder, instead of reduce the number of moves. Because if the white always collected first there is levels that have more moves then you need.

    So I will not say for sure but I think that´s how they made the levels. If you have less moves the withe goes first if you have "lots" of moves it variates.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,167

    Hi Pia👋

    My game is the same way as Lady_Choo described above. A while ago, White sheep would move first and the Black Sheep would follow.

    But, few years ago, it changed and the Black sheep started reaching the Hay first, then the White sheep comes. It did not matter how many moves the levels had.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,442

    Thanks I knew I wasn't imagining it 🤔 sometimes when you don't have so many moves that just wastes them too 🥲

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @Lady_Choo and @PummyRaj When it comes to timeline. I guess it comes down to what you put in the words "while ago".

    This have been several years that it variates.

    If it´s a glitch, I don´t know. But look on how they make levels and how they tweak levels. You only have the moves you need. And if you play a level perfect you might have a couple of moves left. But just a few.

    If it´s a glitch it should be complain about sheep levels that they don´t have enough moves. Because every time a black comes first instead of a white you need at least one more move. So that should eat up the moves.

    For me I can´t say that I have seen that I don´t have enough moves. It´s just the levels are hard and only have just the moves you need, and for me it´s rare that I play a level perfect. So often I have to use boosters.

    So I think it´s made this way to make the levels harder.

  • Ladywithalife
    Ladywithalife Posts: 4

    Level 1

    This is the first time that the black sheep have ever had a mind of their own. Up till this level they moved like they were suppose to when you made a match next to them. On that level when I made a move, it was 50/50 of they'd move where I had moved or end up on some other part of the board, nowhere near where i was playing

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