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A Farmtastic Decade - Part 1!



  • ashilyas
    ashilyas Posts: 885

    And yes the frog who ate all the cropsies

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,787

    I've been playing on the farm for a number of years now. Congratulations on ten years of planting, plowing, and harvested. The farm thread is a fun place to hang out in. One of my favorite events is the team pick axe event. It's nice to be able to collaborate and work with my team members to complete all tasks. My team is the best! And very supportive of each other. Unfortunately the team event has been missing for quite awhile. It recently came back but quickly disappeared again. Speaking for my team mates, we really want this event back!

  • Ewela989
    Ewela989 Posts: 165

    I've been playing on the farm for 8 years

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,862

    Hi @LoFiGummy thank you for the fun facts on Farm, I am excited to see what the 10th year anniversary will bring!

    Thank you for the tag @Lady_Choo and to you @PummyRaj and @encantes for being awesome moderators on this game in the Community πŸ€—

    I believe some of the tips are still relevant.

    Farm has changed, and is changing so much since I have been playing for over 3 years.

    There has been many rough spells on the journey, with promises of something better. These weren't easy to see, however improvements have been made since.

    Those of us on higher levels need a bit more of a break. The addition of the new Bonnie booster to run continuously (like other games - a win streak) would be beneficial please on a permanent basis.

    I do love all the additional side events we have now to when I started, except the ones like "Blossoms and Butterflies" currently, because they are very hard to complete and the rewards are very bad. I do remember when the rewards used to be better!

    I do miss our team event and hope that this is something the studio could work on please.

    Thanks 😊

  • KiMays
    KiMays Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Wow cant believe its been 10 years...Time flies when you're having fun...

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?