Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Voted. No sightings of the honey pot as of yet.
Hi @LoFiGummy thank you for the information, thank you for the tag @encantes I don't currently have the feature in my game.
It looks quite fun, however I don't think we need another blocker! and especially if is like @PummyRaj describes.
Voted, I haven't seen it in my game yet.
I think it would be very difficult ๐
Will give you more feedback if I get it
Thanks for the info on the sticky honey pot. It doesn't excite me or upset me
Not appeared in my game
@LoFiGummy I haven't seen this new feature in my game as of now. After reading what @PummyRaj posted regarding the honey pot I really don't think I want to see it in my game at all. There are way too many blocker now or rather enough blockers now why would we want another its difficult now with the reduced of our moves on each level, and no Team Events why is that anyway no one will explain that to us nobody will ? We have limited time to grow our Cropsies in the 1,2 3 now and the Farmers Market is less days, Choo Choo Challenge is going away faster we are missing so much in our game we are not robots that stay awake day after day playing our game we need sleep just like the Design Team needs sleep too please let them know this we also have to eat our bodies require this much needed resources just like everyone else playing King Games and I believe this improvement by Adding Back those moves that were reduced, and a day longer in our Side Games would improve players and enjoyable atmosphere for all players and members alike.
We love playing our game but the more difficult the Design Team makes it the more players and members will probably quit playing this wonderful game of Cropsies and Farm life that We love Farm Hero Saga....
TTagging some of players @BQN537 @jeanps @MollyS @rebelchild @gordan10 @Anahita_2005 @Nico_G @Racoon7 @bramam @bearwithme @
Don't have this yet and like @me6412 said, I hope I don't see it! The game and the side challenges are getting so difficult it is very hard to complete as it is.
We don't need added blockers, we need some added boosters or added time to finish 123 grow and marketplace. And as much as I bounce the ball off the cow or sheep's head, I can't make it to fair ๐
Hi @LoFiGummy I do think the Studio needs to replace rather than add another blocker.
Number of moves, and days are a bit tight as they have been so reduced. Not all of us can play on a daily basis, and as a result I don't complete or even try at the events I used to love playing all the time.