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Chicken coop level 8 unwinnable

Please explain how anyone can complete this level in 16 moves when you need to set off 32 firecrackers, grow 16 flowers, hatch 17 baby dragons and collect 200 suns. Not much of a bonus if levels cannot be won.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hi Nancy @nancyb099πŸ€— Welcome back to the Farm Community!

    I am stuck on Level # 7 and finished level 6 after purchasing moves with Gold Bars!!

    I think for level # 8, we have to play till we get a lucky board - in which the Firecrackers will help to grow the flowers!

  • nancyb099
    nancyb099 Posts: 101

    All the luck in the world will not let you complete level 8. You are forgetting you also need to hatch 17 baby dragons in addition to 32 firecrackers and 16 flowers with only 16 moves. Pointless to even play this board.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Sorry! I did not notice the count of Chicks that need to be hatched!!

    But, I did notice that levels in the "special events" are becoming harder and harder every timeπŸ˜•

    Hopefully, your feedback will help the Studio team to tweak the levels in future events🀞

  • nancyb099
    nancyb099 Posts: 101

    I hope so too. They used to review and respond within about 48 hours to these kinds of concerns. Last few years they seem to ignore input from players. It's disappointing and affects the fun level of the challenges for everyone.

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hello @nancyb099 again Welcome in the Farm Community 🍏 πŸ“ πŸ₯•

    I'm stuck at the same level from 4 days and is impossible to collect 17 Chicks with only 16 moves!!!

    @PummyRaj you are right all the special Event are every time harder and harder!! πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

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