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Video per mosse gratuiti

Dario78 Posts: 1

Level 1

Qualcuno ha problemi con i video per le mosse gratuiti? A me sono giorni che non mi appaiono più


  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hello and Welcome in the Farm Community 🍏 🍓 🥕

    Did you solve your problem with Ads?

    Many thanks 😉

  • Dario78
    Dario78 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    No ancora non ci sono

  • zdnszp
    zdnszp Posts: 124

    I saw that many people claim that boosters and ads videos have disappeared in their account. I still have those ads. But it became less compared to previously. Free boosters ads appeared only one season per day. After you have finished one season, no more free boosters ads in next season. As for free move ads, I haven't seen any for quite a long time. I also love to see ads. Some people would think that ads are very annoying but I have to see those ads because it helps me a lot in the game. So, please moderators (including @encantes@encantes), show me more and more ads. I don't mind it as long as it gives me free boosters and moves that I can use to pass the level(s). 😁😁😁

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Sorry but I'm in your same situation 😔 Ads disappeared from my game 2 months ago and there no way to get it back.

    Ads is given randomly in a group of players and is still in testing, I really don't know when will be back 😔 I was stuck in a level for more than one month without Ads for extra moves I passed it only with boosters

  • Manka1968
    Manka1968 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited November 2024

    Sosem kaptam még ingyen, videó megnézéséért plusz lépéseket, ajándékot. Elég kiábrándító, 10 év alatt ...

  • zdnszp
    zdnszp Posts: 124

    As much as I know, ads videos only appear in some account. They select some players and put them in a group and let the group use it. It's like a test group that tests a new feature before releasing it. In the other words, trial feature on Google Play Store. Anyway, I have ads but it's becoming more and more less than previously, as I've said in above. It's kind of sad. Free moves and boosters ad videos are very essential in the game. Now that it's become less, it makes players more and more difficult to pass the level(s).

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?