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Level 1
Jokers? Can you please tell me more, so that I can understand it?
j'ai 14500 haricots et je ne peux plus avoir de compagnons/jokers sur les niveaux pour m'aider, ils ont disparus depuis une semaine.
Companions are truly disappeared in some people accounts because they are running a test. They put selected players into a small group and running some test, so, companions are gone for a while. Don't worry, you're not alone. These days, the whole forum is flooding with posts complaining about companions disappearance.
merci pour votre reponse, mais vont ils revenir un jour car ça devient plutot difficile de jouer sans les jokers.
Yeah, I know the feeling. No matter what the test is, it can't go on forever. So, please patiently wait for a while.