Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
You can see Freddy Falker has answered you that I hope you can understand to read it. 😊
You can also check this information for similar your problem that I hope you can understand to read it :
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a farmtastic day! 😊
Hi and welcome to the community.
Yes there is a issue on the facebook at the moment which has affected a lot of players and we are hopeful that it will be fixed soon. But please take a look at below settings to make sure that your game settings are absolutely fine.
Not everybody can. Each event is only available to a specific amount of players controlled by the studio. Everyone gets events, just not everyone gets the same events 😊
I am not sending or recieving lives or beans. HELP... Thanks You... (Edit by CM: Personal Information) id 1040219191
I have been playing for years and know all the tricks and still no luck on getting my friends back, so therefor I don't get lives or beans. I would love to have this fixed. My daughter plays on this same computer and can play the game fine. So must be my account that needs a kick in the pants. Here is my ID number.. 1040219191 Email is **Edit by CM: removed personal info.**. Thanks in advance for fixing this.
Hi @Anny_HasBananas, welcome to the Community!
ℹ️ Facebook recently made a change to its platform which means that you might experience issues when sending/receiving Lives from Friends (issue with Facebook connectivity for Profile Picture and/or Friend List). King is aware of the issue with the connection between Player Facebook Profiles & their Farm Heroes Saga Game and is currently working with Facebook to fix this as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we recommend that you do not take any steps to resolve the problem yourself, such as logging out of your Facebook Profile or reinstalling the Game. Also, you don't need to contact King if you’re experiencing this issue in your Game. Once the fix is in place, your Profile Photo/Avatar will reappear & your Facebook Friends List will be visible.
I tried that many times. I think when they changed the format I got cought in the middle here. Would love to have someone check my account. Thanks!!
Please help...
Welcome to the community.
Unfortunately its unlikely to be an account issue as some players seem to be affected more than others.
I have been getting a few come through but hadn't realised how much I was imapcted until I started getting more requests for lives this week. If you're playing on computer, clear cache and cookies and try again.
If you are playing on a mobile, check for updates. Close the game and restart your phone and see if that helps 😉
Also just a point, Facebook change permissions a lot these days. Go and check yours and even if they say active, just renew them as that seemed to work for some too.