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lost progress

Kokosnuss Posts: 3

Level 1


I have played this for years and was over 2000. I started the game today and the game has reset my progress to zero whats goin on


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to our beautiful community

    Check App update> Sign out game> Restart device and wait 5 minutes after power on> Open game and sign in. Please empty the cache and restart. Otherwise please play the last level again and finish it and then update and empty the cahe.

    Good luck

    You will find a lot in the help: In your game gear - question mark = help center. good luck

     I want to help you and navigate you better through the community. 

    Here & here is a how-to guide to help you find the different areas in the community! Here you can find all games at a glance. Here you get answers to the most common problems and here you can take part in discussions and competitions to win gold bars for your game.

    I wish you a nice day & have fun 😊 I am always available for questions and help.

    Please mark me with this @ sign. If the name is displayed, please click on it, it must be highlighted in bold. and I will be notified.  💖

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    You can also check to read and follow these troubleshooting steps of this problem. (This solve discussion by Community Team.) (Any Device) 😉

    So click here to read to follow these troubleshooting steps of this problem that I hope this helps and you can back to your current level on this game! 😉

    If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊

    Have a farmtastic day! 😊

  • 廾𝗂 @Kokosnuss, welcome to the Community!

    🌻 Let's see if we can get you back on track so you can continue enjoying Farm Heroes Saga.

    • If you've been saving your progress, you can recover it again. There are two ways to save your progress: through King or through Facebook. Identify how you saved your progress before & follow steps accordingly:
      • If you used a King Profile ---> Go to the Settings menu & tap the orange King icon, then just submit the email address & password you saved when you set up your King Account. Once that is done, your progress should return.
      • If you linked your Game through Facebook ---> Reconnect your Game to the same Facebook Profile using the blue Facebook 'Connect' button. (Important note: if you share your device or have more than one Facebook Profile, you'll need to make sure the active Facebook Account on your device is the one you saved the progress to in the first place).

    ❗️ If you didn't save your progress don't panic! ---> Player Support can restore your Levels manually.

    • First, make sure the Game is connected to the Facebook or King account that you want to use from now on.
    • Then, head over to the Settings menu in the Game & Help Center. Choose a topic and you'll find the 'Contact us' link at the bottom of the page. Send an email to Player Support from there so they can help you you to manually restore the Levels (remember to mention what Level you were on).

  • Kokosnuss
    Kokosnuss Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I do not have a facebook account so I tried If you used a King Profile

    it did not work can I would need player support to restore it

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    It looks like you are a German player, can that be? Then please come to me in the German area and I can explain it to you better. You can find the link under my picture in green. Thank you

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Kokosnuss 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community 🙂

    I am very sorry to hear about the issue with your game.

    If you don't mind, 2 questions for my clarification --

    1) Are you playing on a mobile device OR a Laptop?

    2) Do you remember saving your game every before?

    These 2 details would help me to properly direct you towards the "Support Team" for restoring your levels 👍️

    Hope to hear from you soon 🙂

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Hello 👋

    Welcome to the sweet King community. Please can you tell us if you have managed to solve your problem in the game? I will be here for anything you need.

    Thanks and keep enjoying

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