Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Ağaçta eksik kar lekesi
Ağaç eksik gölge
Avcının burnunda çiller eksik
Üç havuçtan birinin burnu eksik
Bir havuçun eşarplarında beyaz şeritleri eksik
Yeşil elmanın sapı eksik
Choo choo'nun ayağının bir parçası eksik
Çalar saatin eli eksik
Kardan adam kokuşmuş sopa kolunun bir parçası eksik
Amelia'nın sağ yanağında eksik kar tanesi
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**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**
Hi guys the contest has now ended
Keep a look out 👀 for our @Elsa she will be along soon and announce the lucky winners ⭐
Yes I now have the winners for this competition. Congratulations to:
Please post your user ID # here and then @QueenB will add the Gold Bars to your game.
Congratulations everyone 🎉🎉
Thank you so much Elsa and PrettyBubbles. I have already sent my ID to QueenB.
Happy New Year!!!
talon on the bird
clock hand
stripe on the orange
shadow at tree base
dot pig face
stem on the Apple
nose on the orange
Snow on tree
snowman arm
dog nose
Elsa here is my User ID 1186365557
I cant believe I won!! Thank you so much. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!