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I try to connect to Facebook or King account but I keep getting the message connection error please

nutnhoney7376 Posts: 2

Level 1

I try to connect to Facebook or King account but I keep getting the message connection error please 


  • Clau2382
    Clau2382 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    También me pasó

  • Clau2382
    Clau2382 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Que se debe hacer

  • nutnhoney7376
    nutnhoney7376 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    So what did you do when it happened to you

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @nutnhoney7376 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful King Community 🐥 🐥

    I am very sorry to hear about the issue in your game!

    Usually, we see that message when we have an "interrupted" internet connection. I have recently experienced that in both of the Farm games. Hence, I am sure that, you are also having the same issue.

    What I would suggest you to do is: Log out of the game --> Disconnect from Internet ---> Clear Cache (also "browsing history" - depending on the device) ---> Then turn off your device --> After 10 minutes or so, turn everything back on ---> Now, open the Farm Heroes App and see if you are being able to log-in!

    ** If you are not able to, you might have to repeat the steps OR simply stay logged out of the game till the next day (or in the evening) and try again. There is no perfect logical explanation to tell you how & why it will work. Since it worked for me, I am guessing and assuming it should work for your App too,

    Hope this made sense and clarifies! Hope the glitch clears up and you will enjoy your game again!

    Have a Farmtastic day and a great rest of the weekend 🍓 🍐 🍓

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,441

    Hi @nutnhoney and Welcome in this Community 🍓 🍎 🍏 🍓 🍎 🍏

    I'm so sorry that you have an issue with your connection, in order to help you may you please try to check this link:  here .

    Let me know later if your problem will be fixed, you can post your comment in the box below and remember to use @ before my nickname.

    I wish you a good day 🌞🌞🙂🙂🤗🤗

  • ashilyas
    ashilyas Posts: 884


    Did your problem solve? I am also facing this issue

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