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ENDED - 🌾 Come to our Farm Spring Contest to WIN Badge🏅and Gold Bars 🏆



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

    Going to post this on Facebook now.

  • Greymane
    Greymane Posts: 3,961
    edited April 2021

    Well well well @PummyRaj


    1 sun

    17 carrots

    16 water

    4 tomatoes

    12 strawberries

    1 choo-choo, Amelia and Hunter

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,747

    @PummyRaj sorry, I've read it now that we should only find items from Farm Heroes. Here is my answer: 

    1 Sun, 1 meadow, 1 Choo-Choo, 1 Amelia, 1 Hunter, 1 pink bunny (which always steals the carrots in the game), 6 mushrooms, 12 Strawberries, 16 carrots and 16 water drops.

    Thanks for tag @encantes

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

    Ok I'm back now that I posted in Facebook. The objects that I see in the image are as follows:

    17 Carrots cropsies

    12 Strawberries cropsies

    6 Mushrooms cropsies

    1 Sun cropsie

    4 Tomatoes cropsies

    16 water cropsies

    I have noticed that others are posting the white and pink flowers but I can't remember if I ever saw those as objects in the game so I'm leaving them off.

  • bekicrusher
    bekicrusher Posts: 1,454
    edited April 2021

    My answer is there are:

    17 carrots

    12 strawberries

    12 Pink flowers

    4 tomatoes

    1 sun

    16 waterdrops

    1 bunny

    6 mushrooms

    1 Choo-choo

    1 Amelia

    1 Hunter

    1 Seagull

    So, all together that makes 72 items.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,747

    Hi @Allouna76

    There are no tomatoes in FHS. In FHSS there are some. I haven't seen flowers yet. And I missed the toucan from the farm club. Well, that's the way it is now. 

  • BubbleGumSoda
    BubbleGumSoda Posts: 4,901

    So here's what I found:

    17 carrots

    12 strawberries cropsies

    6 Mushrooms cropsies

    1 sun

    4 tomatoes

    16 water cropsies

    Thanks for the tag @encantes and @Diamond Lim

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147
    edited April 2021

    Great job dear @DieOmimi and @Elsa 🤗 😍

    You both are absolutely right.

    You are supposed to write the list of the things we find in FHS only. I don't want to be too specific as it will give away the answers 😁

    I have specified that in "Challenge" part though 🍓 🍓


    6 mushrooms

    12 strawberries

    17 carrots

    11 pink flowers

    16 white flowers

    16 drops

    Hot air balloon






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