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TEAMS in FARM Heroes Saga - CREATE your own or JOIN a friend's TeamπŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎ



  • Pcj
    Pcj Posts: 1,621

    Hello @PummyRaj I got feature to join team but I try to join and get either team full of have to many request . Thanks for the information

  • Penelopep
    Penelopep Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi Lucie!

    I’m having the exact same problem! It’s so frustrating! I closed my group and then tried it again and the second time I had to pay 1000 beans. Not too happy!


  • misswallace
    misswallace Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Trying to join a team and I can't for the life of meπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  • Doris_Koch
    Doris_Koch Posts: 590
    edited May 2021

    Hello @PummyRaj Unfortunately I had created a team when the Pup up appeared. I didn't know with which function I can join a team....I unfortunately still don't know it now and the team I created has 2 members. Can you please tell me how I can join a team...with which funtkion or is that no longer possible?

  • Doris_Koch
    Doris_Koch Posts: 590

    Hello @Katmosphere I don't know how to join your team, I haven't found the function yet.Β 

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148

    Hello @misswallace πŸ€— Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!

    There are 2 features available in "Teams". Once you click on the icon, you will see 2 tabs on top of it --- Join and Create.

    If you selectΒ "Join" ---> Many teams list will be visible for you. Scroll through the list and select the one you like.

    ** If the team you are trying to join is "open" - then you will be admitted into that group;

    ** If the team you try to join is a "Closed" one - then that Team Leader will let you join (or reject);

    Hope this clarifies a bit! Please let me know if you need any further assistance or have more questions!

    You can type your reply in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Thank you for posting in the Community! Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍏 🍎 🍏

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,452

    Hi and Welcome in this Community πŸ“ 🍎 🍏 πŸ“ 🍎 🍏

    Happy to have you here, what level are you on?

    Regarding the new Feature with the Team, may you please check this thread there are details and info: New Feature Team.

    In the meantime if you want to give a peek around the Community and win boosters or gold bars to partecipate at contests please check here: win prizes

    I wish a good day 🌞 🌻 🌞

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148
    edited May 2021

    Hello dear Doris πŸ€—

    We can be in only one team at a time. Since you already have created a team, you must not able to join other groups! Go back to your group and "Leave" it.

    After this, you would have to wait for 48 hours to join another group (per an initial pop-up I have received). So, until that 48 hours have passed, I am afraid you will not be able to join a group πŸ˜”

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148

    Hello dear Lucie πŸ€— A Warm Welcome Back to our Farm Community!

    I am wondering may be you have left the team "Closed"! Please check in the settings of the "Team" and if it is closed, keep it "Open" and you should have more players joining your team.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,148

    Hello @kittycontraire πŸ€— Hearty Welcome to our Farmtastic Community!

    Hello @Pcj πŸ˜ƒ Thank you for visiting our Farm πŸ₯

    Actually, there was the option to join random teams! It only works when we have not created our own team. Could this be the case for you, @kittycontraire?

    When we send a request to a Team, until we accepted and/or declined, I think we might not be able to send a request for another team! I am not sure! But, like some of you mentioned, if we have more details as to what happens, or have some kind of pop-up, would have been very helpful!

    @kittycontraire Please make sure that you have chosen "Open" option for other players to join your team.

    If you do not want random players in your group, please wait till you see the requests from your well known players. If you are on Facebook, you can send those players a personal message and ask them to join your team.

    @Pcj πŸ™‚ I will post all the teams we have as of now in a separate comment, which will make it easy for all the players to join those open teams.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?