Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Level 1
I have lost money on the same level several times and NO ONE has fixed it or given me a sufficient refund for time and money lost.
Hello and welcome
Unfortunately we cannot solve money problems and please follow these steps.
To get help directly from the game: Go to the settings gearwheel in the game, then tap on the question mark. You'll be directed to the help center. There you look for your problem and follow the steps. If you cannot find the issue or the provided steps don't solve it, then scroll to the bottom of the same help center page and tap on 'Contact us': There you come to the contact form. Please fill in in your language. Please note that everything is spelled correctly (that is important): and send it. You will then receive an automatic email. Please answer to it and describe your request. Submit. And have some patience for the answer. If you don't get an answer after 3 days, please try again.
Please go to Buy & Gold Bars
Good Luck
Nice Weekend
Welcome to the community @Nonniemom Unfortunately you cannot get a refund for not completing a level unless there is an actual issue but if there is, we cannot help you unless you give us some more information.
I would suggest if you are buying boosters that you don't for now.
Which level is it? Is it giving you an error message or doing something it shouldn't? Then we can have a look at it for you. Make sure you use the @ sign in front of my name and it will notify me you have replied.