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Level 1
Recently, when offered the opportunity to get free moves (1+2+2), after watching the three ads the game goes back to the board, but I am unable to make any moves. The only interaction I can have with the game is the back button to quit and then retry.
After quitting the current game, I can retry and play again from the start.
I have tried deleting the cache.
Moto G7 plus, Android 10.
Sometimes, it may crashed after watching first ads for extra 2 movies.
Sometimes, it may crashed after watching second ads for extra 3 movies.
Sometimes, it may crashed after watching third ads for extra 5 movies.
Sometimes, it may crashed after watched ads for extra movies.
Sometimes, the tools bar disappears.
Hello @Don2021 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!
I am so sorry to hear about the issues you are having in the game!
Our Farm In-charge is checking with the Customer Support team to see if there are more complaints about this issue! I too faced it, but only once. I have closed the game App and restarted and it has been working properly!
I am assuming that you are playing on a mobile device. Can you please try below suggestions...
** Make sure that you have installed the latest update version of the game App. It should be 5.72.2 or above;
** Log out from your game (FB or King account) --> Close the game App --> Clear Cache --> Disconnect Wi-Fi --> Turn off your device --> Turn it on after few minutes --> Reconnect to internet connection --> Open the App and log-in again;
Please try these steps and let us know if the issue still persists! Hope everything works out and you will be able to play your game uninterrupted 👍️
TO reply back, type your message in the blank box given below to my comment.
Keep having fun in your Farm 🐥 🐥
Thanks for your suggestion, as far as I know, clear cache = reinstall = lost all tools.
I sent them an email, they reply me with this forum link. I know free game = no support.
Thanks for your time.
Oh, no! Sorry to hear that @Don2021 😔
Unfortunately, reinstallation has the side affect of removing all our boosters. Because, we have deleted our game from the device, all the data pertaining to the App also will be deleted.
And with regards to the response by "Customer Support" -- looks like something has changed! I too sent a complaint recently, and I too got the response.. to ask my question in the Community.
But, please don't worry! I have already informed to our Farm In-charge, about the issue you have been having. If you can provide your game ID number, she would be able to help you 👍️
Hi @staffie2001uk and Welcome in this Community 🍓 🍎 🍏 🍓 🍎 🍏
So sorry about the issue in your game, it happened to me 5 days ago!
Our lovely Farm in charge is already informed of the issue and unfortunately the Farm Studio is not working in the weekend. Please wait until late Monday and I will update you with any info I can get.
Many thanks for your understanding 😊🤗🤗🤗
I recently switched phone and everytime i click in watch an add to get additional level or boaster the app will crash straight away. I tried to do it on mobile data or wifi as well. The app is updated and phone is a Xiaomi Redmi Note10s. Permission for ads are under accepted on the farm saga app. any walkaround please ?
Hello @mariogjyli 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!
I am so sorry to hear about the issue in your game with the Ads 😔
It's not just you, but I have seen few more Farmers with the same complaint! Looks like a new bug has popped up in the game. Thank you so much for providing your device details.
All I can suggest right now is not to watch the Ads for the time being! The Farm Studio team is located overseas and this is night time for them now. Hence, they cannot check what's going on till tomorrow.
Please bear with us until then. Myself or my team will get back to you as soon as we can 🙏
If you have anything else to add, please post your reply by typing in the blank box given below to my comment.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍓 🍓