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farm heroes

BD Posts: 1 Newbie

is level 9 of the spider challenge winable without spending money?  It seems completely unwinable unless you purchase helps.


  • Diana_Perkins
    Diana_Perkins Posts: 1 Newbie

    Same issue here. It is impossible to complete that level, therefor you can't obtain the last prize. 

  • naniQ
    naniQ Posts: 3 Newbie

    As you can see my question/comment I have been working on now being day 2, I have just about give up! I have not gotten the rewards from the middle level either.

  • taniaellie
    taniaellie Posts: 22 Level 2

    I too have this is not the first time that I have come across levels in the time limited challenges that are impossible to solve.....this one seems absolutely impossible, especially the desired vegies...I have not gotten anywhere near the amount needed after two days of playing! I would like Kingcare to state the probabilities of solving this one!!!

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