Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
I haven't gotten to know ranci
@Elsa 👍️ on graphics in your story.
Oh dear farmers, where is your creativity? Tagging again in case you missed it the first time, so if you've ignored the tag you can feel free to ignore it again 😁
@007jayc @10eke @abe_coffee @actipton80 @AmyLeigh78 @anacris65 @Ana_Manole @Angel1207 @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @AidensMomma0404 @aijaziqbal @Bassin12 @bearwithme @bekicrusher @best_player @bosschick @Boombalatty @Bookster @BQN537 @BubbleGumSoda @Cagnes @candycrushinit@CassD @Cats4Caz @channie8 @christine88 @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @colorbombsprinkles @crabapple @cristhianinho @Croppy @cte32787 @Dada13 @Daddy123 @Darkstar @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @Deobella @DGenevieve @DieOmimi @dilli02 @donte06 @Doris_Koch @eggybean @Elsa @Filly_McBean @floydgirls16 @funny1234@GetHanked @Grachuh @GranBarb @gr33n3y3z @Greymane @haraikaria @hbic29 @headoperations @hechicerilla @ItsTrish24
@imabearnut @janka879 @Jared_Buttry @jess94 @jeanps @jessortiz @JoJo75durham @Joy_21@JuLaCrafting @Julie_Andrews @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaosha1981 @kaitmr @KENTFIELDER@kdorr @kellygirl813 @kiara_wael @kingtrixi @KissesXOXO @Kochanie @Krefly @Lady_Choo @Lady_Sarina @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lhalha @lilac1015 @lilica7805 @lilikoikisses @lollyspears @LoveDachs @lubblady38 @Lynette @lynnetteS @mahdiealmahdie @MartaP @Mary211987 @me6412 @meemahh @Melbennett @MiaChristine @Monia040588 @MountainMom@Mr_Peely @MrKizart @mymeshell1975 @Moh1977
@Nat09@nguyenanhduy1591999 @Niunia88 @Nix66 @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim@pearl_chetna @Palash_Sarma @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @piaandersson @Pitty_Kitty @PuppaJudge @Racoon7 @rajdeeptb @rebelchild @rfjh5 @Rinno2013@RobinTruitt@RobinCorte@rosemariepahayo1 @Rosenrot @SabrinaM @Sameeksha3 @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @SBH@ShannonCriswell @sinalco @siruelita_1234 @Sofia1992@Star_11 @stokrotka @stingynina @Sukanta_Biswas @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @teresawallace44@thamby @Timhung @tkbm7872 @valio75av@wissem_smida @yonahselcy @wykoon @ZeOne @Werner_Cichy
@Hippie64 @SANNE1971 @Plumedargent @ainacio @Mary1968 @fandad @MetBob58 @cinacio @Lindamay66 @Grumpy_Old_Man @kagome77 @max12 @Lemurtek @EOTheGr8 @GlenysB @Spinnifix @DaniTheOG @Max65 @Owly123 @Matasot @misspink78 @kikiray23 @betchiegrl29 @ndaoz @deblg @Lala_Ogayar @beve61 @fabke @Havish @ElenaVorona @NRP @AaronMedina @4dardar @bramam @urskarecnik @Tory2020 @Mildred_2_2 @sueillidge @FarkasneKa2020 @Riri2 @Tasty_Cake @KCullen127 @laley @fabke @MiladyR @Marcemarce22 @Angel_Natasha @CerbeRus777 @GrammaGaming @Rowena63 @Magic_Mixer @Jon-7 @eugene @Coreena_Lilly @farm_lad @Dani05 @FarmerB @Jose65_6
Hunter and I decided on a sunny summer to make an orchard.
Inside we planted corn and carrots. 🌽🌽🥕🥕🥕
We both love corn with plenty of salt. As for the carrots, even when you eat them you get color and vitamin D. Every day we watered the orchard and our beautiful corn and carrots grew.
Until one day we noticed that some of our carrots were missing.
We said: Probably it's in our mind !! The next day more carrots were missing!
- Oh Hunter something is happening! You have to patrol, find out why this is happening! - Yes, Angel_Natasha you are right. I'm going to wear my glasses and my black cape so that I will not be noticed!
And so dressed as he was, he turned the whole orchard and what to see ??
Rob the Rabbit was lying on the grass eating our carrots !! His belly was full.
Hunter: Hey Rob what's going on here ?? Why do you eat our carrots ??
Rob: They are the most delicious and healthy carrots I have ever eaten!
Hunter: Yes, but it's not yours! Angel_Natasha come here, I found our thief.
Angel_Natasha: Hi Rob, would you like me to make you a nice carrot soup ??
Rob: wow wow! It would be wonderfull!
Angel_Natasha: we will make a deal. You will take care of the orchard from the thieves and I will reward you every day with a nice carrot soup!
Rob: Perfect !!!
And so, everyone was happy
Very nice thread @Lady_Choo ❣❣🙋♀️
Rancid arrives in the Cotton Clouds and he can’t wait to see Jelly Queen. Over the next few weeks he has so much fun jellifying everything. But then he has nothing left to do so he heads on over to Soda World and starts jellifying things in the water and on the Bubblegum Troll’s castle.
Kimmy wakes up one morning and decides to go for a walk. As she walks around Soda world she notices all those green blobs all over.
“What is that green stuff?,” Kimmy thinks to herself. “How did it get here?”
She bumps into Genie Jellybeanie during her walk and she asks him if he knows what is going on.
“Haven’t you heard that Rancid the Raccoon from Dairy District is really good friends with Jelly Queen?”, says Genie Jellybeanie. “Last I heard he was so fed up with living in Dairy District because every time he tried to steal some cropsies or eggs from Mother Hen, Amelia would chase him away. At one point he even asked Jelly Queen to help him and she had a very good idea and told Rancid to throw splotches of mud on the cropsies with a pink glow surrounding them. Amelia caught on and chased him away. So, he left Dairy District and moved to Cotton Candy Clouds to be with his good friend, Jelly Queen. I heard that he is now helping her jellify the characters. So maybe, this is Rancid that is dropping these green splotches.”
Kimmy decides to call her sister Tiffi for help. She tells her about the green globs and then she shares what Genie Jellybeanie told her about Rancid helping Jelly Queen. Tiffi tells her not to worry and she will look into this further. If it’s related to Jelly Queen then she has to contact Jenny for help.
Tiffi reaches out to Jenny but only gets her voicemail so she leaves her friend a message.
A couple of hours later Jenny gets back to her. Tiffi explains what is going on in Soda Town and asks her friend if she thinks that Jelly Queen is behind all of this.
“Nothing would surprise me Tiffi,” says Jenny. “I saw Rancid and Jelly Queen, the other day, whispering and I bet they were talking about dropping the green splotches in Soda World. I have an idea how we could stop them. Come on over here and I will tell you what might work. Don’t forget to bring your Superhero outfit because this is going to take special powers.”
Tiffi knows that she could count on her friend Jenny, especially since this problem has to do with Jelly Queen. Jenny knows exactly how Jelly Queen thinks so she was sure that they could take care of the problem. Tiffi takes a change of clothes just in case she decides to spend a couple of days with Jenny.
Jenny knows exactly how to get Jelly Queen to stop and how to get Rancid’s attention at the same time.
“Fight jelly with jelly,” Jenny thinks. “I am going to gather a bunch of red jelly now, so we’ll be ready to start our adventure when Tiffi gets here. Jelly Queen thinks that she’s smart, but I can outsmart her. I got Uncle Yeti free so this should be much easier.”
To make a long story short, Tiffi meets up with Jenny and they go on their search for Jelly Queen and Rancid. It doesn’t take them long to meet up with them.
“Jelly Queen enough is enough!” exclaims Jenny. “I heard that Rancid was helping you jellify everything in Cotton Candy Clouds, but you are so greedy. Doing this here isn’t enough for you? So, you told Rancid to head on over to Soda World and start causing damage there too? Tiffi and I are going to stop you, once and for all! We are now Superheroes and our powers are much stronger than yours. Take that and here’s some red jelly for both of you!”
Tiffi and Jenny save the day! However, Jelly Queen is very upset with her friend Rancid. She never told Rancid to go to Soda World and jellify everything there. She turns to Rancid and tells him to leave Cotton Candy Clouds. She doesn’t need his help anymore!
Time for Rancid to leave but where will he go?
Stay tuned for part 3 …………..
@Lady_Choo I haven't forgotten to write my story. I wanted to get some of the other activities completed around the community before they were due. Now I can dedicate my time for this fun assignment. 😊
It was a beautiful sunny day down on the farm. Amelia, Choo Choo, & Hunter were working in the strawberry patch. They were giggling & having a good old time. They were reminiscing about the time when Rancid tried stealing their tractor. It was a warm, sunny evening when they heard all the animals in the barn making all kinds of noises. By this time in the night, they were always quiet & resting for the day. Amelia woke up & heard all this commotion coming from the barn. She knew something had to be wrong for them to be acting this way. She woke up Hunter & Choo Choo & said that they needed to go check on the animals. As they opened the barn door, there was Rancid sitting on the tractor! Amelia asked him what he was doing in their barn at this time of night, sitting on their tractor. Rancid began stuttering & trying to think of something that he could say. Choo Choo said I think he is trying to steal our tractor! Amelia asked Rancid if that was true. After a few moments of silence, he said yes, that he was going to take it for a ride. Rancid said that he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t get it started. Amelia, Choo Choo, & Hunter started to laugh at him, which made him turn bright red. He put his fists up & shook them & asked why they were laughing at him. Well silly, you need the key to be able to start the tractor! Rancid asked where the key is kept. Amelia said that she keeps the key under her pillow on her bed. She said that way no one can steal their tractor. Amelia asked him why he would want to steal something from them. Rancid said that they won’t ever let him sit on their tractor, much less drive it. Hunter said that is because you never asked us. We will gladly teach you, but you need to show that you will be responsible & trusting to drive it. Someone who doesn’t know how to drive it could hurt someone or even hurt themselves. Amelia told Rancid that if he promises to be nice to them from now on, that they will teach him how to drive it. Rancid agreed & said he guesses that he could be nicer to them. Choo Choo said no guessing, we need your promise or no tractor rides for you! Ok then, Rancid replied. Amelia told Rancid to be at the barn tomorrow morning at 7:00 am sharp! So the next morning at 7:00, Amelia, Choo Choo, & Hunter went out to the barn & was surprised to see Rancid out waiting for them. They showed him how to start the tractor & went over some safety things with him. After they were done showing him what he needed to know in order to drive the tractor safely, they hooked up the wagon to the tractor & told Rancid to drive to the strawberry patch. Once they reached the strawberry patch, Amelia told Rancid to turn the key. Rancid said why did he have to shut off the tractor. Amelia said because it was time to get to work. Rancid wanted to know what had to be done. Hunter smiled & said that the strawberry patch needs to be weeded. Rancid said that he just wanted to drive the tractor & that was it. He didn’t want to help weed the strawberry patch. Amelia asked him if he liked strawberry shortcake & fresh strawberry pie. Rancid said of course, & that strawberry shortcake is his favorite thing to eat in the summertime. Choo Choo said well then the strawberries need to be taken care of & that includes weeding them. Rancid asked why the weeds can’t just stay in the patch. Amelia said because the weeds will take away important nutrients from the strawberries which they need to grow big & healthy. Amelia told Rancid that if he helps weed the patch, that he can drive the tractor again. Rancid looked annoyed but agreed to help because he really enjoyed driving the tractor. So after hours of weeding, Rancid hopped on the tractor to drive it up to the barn. Amelia told him to turn the key & start the tractor & follow me to those apple trees over there in the orchard. Rancid asked why they needed to go over to the apple trees. Choo Choo said in a loud voice…now it’s time to pick apples! Rancid said that he was hot & wanted to be done. Amelia told him that when you live on a farm, there are a lot of chores to be done & that all the chores need to be done before any play time. Rancid grumbled & said okay, that he would help pick apples, but then that was it. He wanted to run off & play. Hunter snickered & said only after we are done weeding the carrot patch!😝
congratulations that's how to be a good farmer
All was still on the farm, the Winter lambs were lazing by their mums.🐑 The snowdrops and dwarf daffodils were in full bloom, and Amelia was taking in all the natural beauty whilst walking Hunter, checking her Farm.
There is something in the air , it is very quiet. TOO QUIET, oh my!
Amelia sensed, A STORM!
"Hunter we must alert Choo Choo" we need to save as much as we can.
"Rancid" please help, this is a bad storm that will destroy many cropsies!
Rancid realising the seriousness of the storm and in effect less crops to steal, was willing to help out.
Together they worked as a team, secured the barn and farm machinery.
The storm came, with other following. Rancid noticed a rotten beam in the Dutch Barn, and got his telehandler to repair the beam.
Many leafy crops were lost due to the velocity of salt wind blowing, flowers destroyed.
The animals and machinery were safe.
Amelia gave Rancid a kind pardon for his help.
(Based on a true story from my farm)
Greetings, raccoon, it is very true that things that are done as a team and with a lot of love always solve any problem.