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  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089


  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,862

    Hi @PummyRaj I don't have this event yet either.

  • tkbm7872
    tkbm7872 Posts: 582

    Hi @PummyRaj I still don't have the event

  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,891

    Hi @PummyRaj

    Just got the team league event last night.πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎπŸšœπŸ„πŸ“

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Hi @PummyRaj. This event has now made its appearance in my game.

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,862

    Hi @PummyRaj I have the Team League event now too.

  • leprosaamorir1103
    leprosaamorir1103 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited April 2022


    * Edited by CM: πŸ€” Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules

  • bramam
    bramam Posts: 1,241

    I have it too πŸ‘

    We are now in 1st grade... Right from the start.... Suuupeerrr

    In this class we finished last season and now it's so good again

    Now keep playing for fun and try to stay in 1st grade,,, right,????????


    Didn't understand the whole thing correctly πŸ€”

    The main thing is that my team is suuuper πŸ‘

  • _m_a_n_s_o_u_r_20
    _m_a_n_s_o_u_r_20 Posts: 16

    Level 2

    edited April 2022

    *Edited by CM: πŸ€” Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules

  • Headless
    Headless Posts: 70

    Level 3

    edited April 2022

    Since the beginning of teams, no players other than myself ever have any credit for whatever they are doing. They don't even get the 5 pickaxes when they sign in, and I know they sign in because we DO manage to send each other lives. Can't do that if you aren't signing in! I have asked my team if they see credit for their work and none of them who responded ever do. Now six of the 12 members I had have left the team, probably because it hasn't ever worked for anything except sending lives. And NOW there is also a NEW problem - Although I have been winning games, I can't see where we are on the Team Leagues thing going on now. All I get is a message that says "Without connection you can't see your progress or claim rewards" This has been going on for two days now and happens everywhere I log in - Windows computer, Android tablet and also Amazon fire tablet. I do have a connection, it checks for connection upon loading and anything else works just fine, everything except the Team Leagues thing anyway. What is the point of teams if nothing works?

    My Team is called Farm to Table. The Team ID is 765446832.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?